Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Upstanding Unselfishness

Today's verse:  "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."  Philippians 2:3-4

My mother didn't have to teach me to be a self-centered person, nor did I have to teach my children.  Looking after our own interest seems to come by pretty naturally.  Darn it.

Yesterday, Kyle had his first school basketball game, and we had fun going to watch and cheer him on.  Our school isn't really set up for big sporting events and seating for the crowd is hard to come by.  As I scanned all the spectators my eyes kept going back to one woman in particular.  I had my "cameraman" (hubby) take her picture, just so I could give you a visual of what I found so interesting.  This mom came to cheer on her son at the ball game too, and found a spot to park where she could have the perfect matter that it was right in front of a whole row of people that were there first.  Each person behind her had to bend, stretch, and try to get a view of the game on the court.  Everyone was kind enough to not complain to her, as far as I could tell, but what I found interesting was that this woman was never concerned about anyone else but herself.  By golly she had a good view!

As my kids get older, and God's Spirit continues to live in them, I pray that they will become naturals at looking beyond their own wants, needs and desires, and look to the needs and interests of others.  It's a discipline at times, but somewhere along the line I think it becomes our second nature because Jesus is living in us.  I love the times when I see my children thinking of others first, but I also know that we all can do a little bit better.

Putting others first. Setting aside our self desires sometimes and looking to the needs of others.  Not standing in front of the crowd, unaware of everyone else around us. That's how I long to be, and how I hope my kids are too.

By the way, just in case you were wondering...Kyle's team won their game, 17 to 8.

Lord, I thank you for my dear children, and the way they are growing up into thoughtful and considerate adults...most of the time. I pray that your Spirit continues to prompt and teach them to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than themselves. Help my children to look not only to their own interests, but also to the interests of others.  And as others see their kindness and generosity, may they recognize the reflection of you living in their lives.  Lord, prompt their eyes to see the needs of others.  Prod their ears to hear the hurts, fears, and desires of those around them. May my chldren be unselfish, giving, and encouraging individuals who shine you!!

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