Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Family Game Night

Today's Verse:  "Behold, children are a gift of the Lord."  Psalm 127:3
Last night we had some good family time.  Not my favorite game, but time with my favorite family makes up for it.  I love them all dearly.



The Winner!

Dear Precious Father, thank you for my family.  Thank you for making them each valuable and precious, and blessing my life with their presence.  I am a richly blessed woman for sure.  Thank you for a husband who loves you, follows your calling with his life and serves you, and who provides for his family in abundant ways.  Thank you for a dear daughter who is beautiful, confident, and wise beyond her years.  And thank you for my precious son who is tender towards you, and loving in all that he does.  What a blessing it is when we find time to be together, and can enjoy one another's company.  Thank you for the laughter, the love, and the joy we had just hanging out!  I am truly grateful for my beautiful family!  I pray that me and my household will always serve the Lord!  Amen.


A Joyful Chaos said...

Family times are so precious.

Great post.

My Crazy Beautiful Life said...

I LOVE Monopoly and rarely get to play it. Zach and I play games a lot but it's usually some form of Risk or Settlers. Our family has been playing a short card game just about every evening since Christmas called Swap and it's amazing the difference I see in how everyone in the family is getting along better. It must be true that the family that plays together stays together. . . :)

Tresa said...
