Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photobucket for our Lives

Today's verse:  "He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure."  Isaiah 33:6

Welcome to another new blog layout!  The second one in a month.  My daughter finds so much joy in taking photos and reworking them in Photobucket.  So thanks for putting up with the transformations.  One day we'll get it just right.

Lyss loves to take pictures, and I love seeing the things her eyes catch.  Here's a few that I love...





I know I'm her mom, but I think Lyss has an eye for beauty!  I hope that she continues to use this gift that God has given her.  I love watching the world through her eyes, and seeing her creativity shine.

I pray that as she continues snapping pictures, and enjoys the beauty of God's creation, she falls in love with the Creator.  May she realize, that God is the one who will make beautiful things out of her life.  He is much like Photobucket, if you think I can make that stretch.  He takes someone who is already beautiful, and changes their life and makes them shine.  The touch of the master's hand is a treasure to behold!

All we have to do is let Him enter our lives.  It's a beauty that comes when we accept His sweet salvation!

Lord, you are what makes life so beautiful.  Your salvation is the greatest treasure we can take hold of.  I pray that my children find you as the foundation of their lives, and experience the rich treasure of your wisdom, knowledge, and love.  When they're look back on the pictures of their lives, may they recognize your presence, and give you praise for being their Creator and God.  May they take hold of you, dear Jesus, and hang on to your salvation.  Thank you, Lord, for giving us eternal life.  May it be the greatest treasure of my children's lives.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Beatutful changes to the blog design ladies. Also - (I'm biased too, but) Lyssa - amazing photographs and a very thoughtful and heartfelt prayer as always. Keep up the great work.