Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Heritage of Faithfulness

I long to dwell in your tent forever
       and take refuge in the shelter of your wings

 For you have heard my vows, O God;
       you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

 --Psalm 61:4-5

Three years ago today I lost one of my favorite people in the world.  I miss my Grandpa tons, but know that he's probably enjoying eternity singing and fishing with Jesus.  Grandpa lived his life proclaiming his love of God, and God's love for His people.

Over and over again, I hear of the impact he had on someone's life.  He loved others deeply. 

He loved the church.

He loved God's creation...fishing, camping, and hunting.  (This picture reminds me of his "goofy" face that he gave often.)

Grandpa loved his family...each and every one of us.  He prayed that we would all come to know Jesus as our personal Savior and live our lives totally for Him.

I pray that my kids always remember their Great Grandpa Wayne.  They had a few opportunities to get to know him.  He came to a baseball game, he stayed at our home, and he always asked them "How old are you anyway?"  Always ending with the response, "How did you get so ugly in that many years?"  He told them stories, spoiled them with quarters, and I know he prayed for them often.  He left them with a heritage of faithfulness, and I hope they always follow in his footsteps...

Loving God.
Loving others.
Loving the church.
Loving God's creation.
Loving family deeply.
Spreading God's love...all the time!

Lord, thank you for the heritage of faithfulness that you have given me, and my children.  Thank you for my Grandpa Wayne and the life he lived so faithfully for you.  Thank you for the example he was of someone who loved the Lord with all of his heart, mind, and soul.  I pray that my children follow in his footsteps and live their lives in much the same way.  Loving you with all that they are, and making sure that the people in their lives know that they are loved by you as well.  May they be evangelists to the world around them.  May they live their lives fully in love with You!  Today, I am reminded of how blessed I am having had this great man in my life.  May I live following his example each and every day!  Thank you, dear Jesus, for my Grandpa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your memories. I miss him too.

Love you all,