Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ready or Not!

Sleeping Beauty Alyssa (approx.1999)

Today's verse:  "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."  Jeremiah 31:25

Today my daughter is traveling home from a weekend Bible Quiz meet held in Oregon.  I'm pretty sure that she has probably had a wonderful weekend.  And despite the joy of traveling on a bus with her friends, staying with her aunt, uncle and cousins, seeing all of her buddies from Oregon, and quizzing, she is probably going to end the weekend in a state of tiredness. Hopefully, not in a state of crabbiness.

And then there is our son, who is having basketball practice four times a week, and baseball practice three times a week on top of the regular day to day stuff.  Needless to say, by the weekend Kyle is ready for a little down time.

When the kids were little, naps were a required part of our daily routine.  Kyle always went down easy, but Alyssa was a whole different story.  Sleep was never one of her favorite things.  Just as when she was little, Alyssa is night owl, never wanting to settle down for the night, especially when she can sleep away the morning.  Only until pure exhaustion hit would she finally crash (as in the picture above). Needless to say, nap time is only missed by their mother.

So, in the busyness of my kids schedules, I'm not sure how they find rest for their weary bodies.  I pray that on this Sabbath day they find moments of quiet and refreshment...because, friends, Monday is coming!  Ready or not.

 One Tired Boy--1999
Lord, you promise to refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. You are the giver of our strength.  Be with my children today and fill them with your power and might.  In this sabbath day of rest, draw them to yourself and be at home in their hearts.  Prepare them for the week ahead, and all their activities and responsibilities.  In the moments available to them for quiet and rest, help them to choose wisely to refuel their bodies, and when there is need to be busy about their work, may they be disciplined and effective with their time.  When we come to you in our weariness, we will find all the rest that we need.  Thank you, Father, for taking care of all our needs in this day, and in the week to come.  You are our wonderful strength!

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