Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Real Deal

Alyssa & Kyle with Santa 1997

Today's verse: "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."  Romans 10:10

Santa Claus...just a man.
Easter Bunny...nope. way.

But Jesus...He's REAL.

We never discounted Santa in our house.  We encouraged the kids to make lists, leave cookies, and even sit on his lap at the mall, but he was never the center of our Christmas celebration.  I think without making him a big deal, the kids never really believed in Santa being someone that was real, and that he actually was bringing them gifts for being good little girls and boys.  Santa was just a man dressed up at the mall, and part of the fun of Christmas.  Just like the Easter Bunny at Easter.

However, unlike Santa, we've pronounced over and over again the reality of Christ in our lives, and that He is someone we can truly believe in.  I pray that my kids take me at my word, and believe that He is Lord, that He is Creator of this world and their Savior, and that He loves them deeper than they can imagine.  He's definitely bigger and better than any Santa Claus, and He gives a much greater gift...salvation. 

Believe it!  He's the real deal, babies!

Lord, today I come to you with a heart that is rejoicing in your presence in my life, and want to shout it from the mountain top that you are the one true God and worthy of praise.  It is with my heart that I believe, and with my mouth that I confess you are Lord!  I pray that my children also have hearts that believe and are justified, and mouths that confess you are their Lord.  I pray that if there are moments of doubt, unbelief, or fear, that they will go seeking You for the truth.  Speak to them, dear Jesus, making them aware that you are a real presence in their lives.  Thank you for your salvation, for forgiving our sins, and for loving us unconditionally.  What a precious God you are!  I believe...and I pray my children do too!

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