Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Trail Guide for Life

 North Idaho Family Hike 2007

Today's verse:  "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."  Psalm 119:105

Family hikes make for fun memories.  Throwing pine cones at one another, playing follow the leader, or running up ahead and jumping out to scare the person in the lead, all bring lots of laughter.  And often there is such beauty to behold in the course of a hike. There's no better way to spend a family day!

Not all paths we tread in life are clearly marked.  Some journeys are hard and arduous climbs, filled with stumbling blocks and things to trip us up.  My kids will walk some beautiful trails, yet some of these journeys will also be hard.  They will even hit crossroads in their lives, where they won't really know which direction is the right one.  The good news for each hike, however, is that God offers to be their ultimate trail guide, and He gives us His Word to light their path.

My prayer is that my children will seek to know and understand the words found in the Bible, and that they will fall in love with what they find there.  It will be their greatest guide, and take them down beautiful paths, leading them straight to their Savior.

Oh what a hike it will be!

Lord, your Word is so precious, and I pray that my children fall in love with what you have written there.  Your Word lights our path in ways that lead us straight to you, and guides us in your everlasting ways.  Lord, use it to show my children where to walk, and how they can follow you.  I pray that they learn to hear your voice when they spend quiet moments pondering your Word, and that they will understand the depths of your love for them.  When they don't know which way to go, I pray that they hear your whisper saying "This is the way, walk in it."

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