Monday, January 4, 2010

Parking Lot Praise

Today's Verse:  "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."  Psalm 150:6

When the kids were little, and I had the chore of pulling them in and out of car seats, I would pray for a parking spot close to the door, so the lugging, dragging, or prodding would be as minimal as it needed to be.  Now that they are older, I look for the farthest spot, unless it's raining, so that I can get a little exercise.  Ha!  But on those days, when we would win the prize of a prime parking spot, I would tell the kids "God must really love us, look at this perfect spot!"  They would begin cheering, waving their hands in the air, giving God praise for His blessing.

As they began to get older, and I'd find a good spot in a crowded parking lot, I would say, "Guess what!" and they would reply "God loves us!".  Not with quite as much gusto, but they knew the drill, and knew who deserved the praise.  As you can probably picture it, now that they are teenagers, if I would say the same thing they'd probably roll their eyes and  say "Mmmooooommmmm", with a tone that reminds me that parking spots aren't a true sign that God loves me.  Big woop.

My goal back then was to teach my kids to recognize God's precious place in their lives, and the many ways that we can give Him praise.  Praise doesn't often flow from our mouths very easily, and our eyes tend to miss the treasures He wants to shower us with.  It may not be parking spots, but if He loves us that much, I know he cares about those little things in our lives.  It's so much easier to grumble, complain, or become complacent in recognizing the blessings in our lives.  I believe that He is continually finding ways to bless us, His children, and prove to us how much He loves and cares for us.  We just need to open our eyes!

So, I am reminded today, to look for the blessings in my life that God so lavishly has poured out on me, and prompt my kids to do the same. I pray that praise flows from our mouths, giving God thanks for His precious love. 

Even if it's for that prime parking spot!

Lord, let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you.  You have given us life, and breath, and you deserve our praise.  Thank you for the many ways you show yourself in our lives.  For the ways you bless us, provide for us, and protect us.  Thank you for the ways you teach us, speak to us, and guide us.  I praise you for my husband and children, for our beautiful home, and for our church family, and the calling you've given us to serve there.  I praise you for the food on our table, the heat pouring out of our vents, and for our beds to sleep in.  Lord, there is so much to thank you for, and my heart is overflowing.  May I continue to be faithful to give you praise every day.  I pray that out of my praise, my children will learn to do the same.  Open their eyes that they may see all the ways in which you've blessed them, and the ways in which you're showering them with your love.  May praise flow easily from their lips, and be a natural response when they see your work in their lives,  Lord, I praise you today for hearing my prayer, for loving me and my family,and for the ways in which I'll see your blessing today.

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