I have so many things to give God thanks for! This week has been jam-packed with moments where I could see God's hand. All of these don't have to do with my kids, or the things I've prayed for this week, but I really want to declare His praise!
- God clearly directed me to a message I was to share at our Women's Retreat this weekend. I thought it fit closely with the main speaker's theme, and we hadn't even chatted much about it.
- Precious moments with godly women at retreat. Laughter, tears, and wonderful encouragement.
- My mom came to retreat too. I love time with her!
- God provided a generous donor to send some gals from our church to the retreat (with added spending money for fun).
- My van broke down on the way home from retreat. Two hours from home, BUT in a little town in the middle of nowhere.
- I just happened to pull over next to an auto body shop (closed on Sundays), but with three men working on a project who were willing to help out a few stranded women, who knew little about cars.
- Our speaker from the retreat passed us by as were were stopped along the road with the hood up, and happened to look in her rear view mirror as she was passing by, and saw us looking quite helpless. She was our ride home.
- Another gal from retreat was 10-15 miles ahead of us, and after getting a phone call on her cell phone (which I think is rare up in the mountains) she turned back around and came back to get all of our luggage.
- We enjoyed great conversation all the way, and made it home safely (though without our van).
- The part to fix our van will be $8, plus shipping the part to this small town in the middle of nowhere is $8. Not sure about the labor, but it shouldn't be too big expense.
- I came home from retreat to a Dutch Bros. Iced Kahlua Kicker from my daughter. So sweet!
- Special conversations around DQ Blizzards with Grammy and Papa. Lyss shared, in new ways my parents hadn't seen yet, that showed them how much she is growing up.
- Lyss is doing awesome in volleyball. I love watching her spike that ball!
- Remember me praying for Lyssa's procrastination habits at the beginning of the school year? Well, she's done a bang-up job working ahead this week. Her first college test is today. Pray for her!
- And last week I prayed for our family's health and need for rest. Everyone is feeling much better AND we had our first night at home, in three weeks, last night!
Lord, my lips declare your praise! How great is the love that you've lavished on your children. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle can see the many ways you are at work in their lives, and be faithful at saying thank you to you, the giver of all those good things. Thank you, Lord, for answering our prayers, and for making your presence evident in our lives. God, you are so good, and I love you!

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