I had worship team practice last night. I love to sing, but I love to worship even more. I tried to grab my daughter to join me, but she's a little timid about getting front of people. I know she can do it. I love hearing her sing, but have little opportunity to do so. Sometimes I can hear her in her bedroom as she's hangin', and sometimes while she's working on homework. I love it best when she's singing with a heart that resounds of worship.
I hope our kids fall in love with worship, as much as their mother loves worship. They may never get as loud as me (ha!), but their voices can shout with praise to the Lord, and their hearts pound in complete adoration of Him!
Sing to the Lord, dear ones!
Lord, you are so worthy of our deep praise and adoration. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle worship you with gladness; and come before you with joyful songs (Psalm 100:2) Every day, may they enter your gates with thanksgiving; and go into your courts with praise. Lord, move Alyssa and Kyle's hearts to give thanks to you, Lord, and praise your name (Psalm 100:4) For you Lord are good. Your unfailing love continues forever, and your faithfulness continues to each generation (Psalm 100:5)

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