Alyssa & Kyle...1997
Oh the sinful nature is so easy to appease sometimes...
And I'm really good at gluttony. (ugh)
As I worked with the early voting these last three weeks, I came across some not so nice people, and I found my "sinful nature" wanting to kick in to respond. I mean, what gives a person the right to treat another person so unlovely? I think I would have shocked one man had my urge to kick him in the shins actually came to fruition.
It takes more effort, sometimes a conscious decision, and much discipline to choose the opposite responses to the list above. But those are the responses God delights in. When we are patient, joyful, forgiving, or self-sacrificing, we reflect Him living in us, and we reap eternal life.
Oh to be "the one who sows to please the Spirit". That is this mother's prayer today!
Lord, you are so good, and you are in everything that is good. If you are living in our lives, we should reflect all that you are. Help Alyssa and Kyle to recognize when they are sowing to please their sinful nature, because if they don't it will reap destruction. Rather, I pray that they will the one who sows to please you in everything they say and do. For from you they will reap eternal life. Thank you for working internally in our children's lives, and carrying onto completion the work you are doing in their lives. Transform them from the inside out, dear Jesus, and may they forever be your children! Eternal life in you is the greatest treasure of all!

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