You’re probably wondering what the Boise State Broncos have to do with Jesus. My husband claims all the time that God is the biggest Bronco fan ever. He knows this because the most beautiful sunsets are blue and orange.
Yes, my man thinks he is funny! Ha!
We live in Boise State heaven. Everywhere you turn, there is blue and orange. Cars are decked with flags, stickers, and license plates. Businesses have their BSU cheer on their signs and windows. Young and old, men or women, all are decked out in their BSU gear. Everyone screaming to the world who they are rooting for! Who would have thought that blue and orange would be such popular colors?
Then when you go to an actual Boise State football game, you are bombarded with blue and orange overload. You can really tell a semi-fan from a real FAN, if you know what I mean. Painted faces or bodies, beads, horns, and crazy hats all showing which team they are siding with. As you can tell by the following picture, my boy falls in the category of a real FAN!
My deepest prayer is that my children will be just as big of fans for Jesus Christ. That they will shout as loud for Him, as they do the Boise State Broncos. I pray that the way they dress, the activities they participate in, and the words they say, all represent whose team they are really on. May they be the biggest cheerleaders on God’s team!
Lord, I pray that my children live their lives representing your team. May they confess with their mouth that you are their Lord, and believe in their hearts that you are God! I pray that the gift of your salvation becomes their own, and that they live their lives rooting for the right team. May they go all out in their love for you, showing the world their excitement and passion for you. There’s no greater thing in this world that I desire for my children, than that of hem being Your child!

Originally posted: October 24, 2009
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