Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Gifts From Others

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."  Hebrews 13:16

Tuesday night our family was given tickets to the Boise State football game.  We don't own season tickets nor are we willing/able to pay for the now expensive splurge.  So what a gift it was for my little Bronco fans.  I don't have pictures of my boys, but below is Alyssa and her friend Hannah.

It got a little bit chilly...

Besides the Bronco tickets, other people have blessed our family over the last week with...
  • A salmon dinner, with all the fixings, after a long day at work.
  • A bowl full of garden grown tomatoes from one.  A butternut squash from another.
  • Homemade freezer jam made by special hands.
  • A tray of Harvest goodies...cupcakes, cookies, brownies, and yummy pumpkin bread.
So many good things shared with our family.  People's generosity and thoughtfulness is a rich blessing.  Thank you to all of our dear friends! 

So, for these things I give thanks on this Thursday.  And for this I pray:  I pray that my kids look on those things with gratitude as well, and in turn, reach out and touch someone else with generosity. 

Thank you, dear Jesus, for the generous and loving people in our lives.  We are so richly blessed.  I pray that Alyssa and Kyle's hearts are marked by gratitude and thanksgiving, and follow these examples to become thoughtful, giving, and generous people.  May your life changing presence in their life be reflected in their actions, in their contentment, and in their grateful hearts.  Lord, help my children to not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices you are pleased.  Amen.

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gucciretailmart said...
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