My kids began attending church the Sunday following their birth and have been going most every Sunday since. Church is where Alyssa and Kyle's friends are. Church is their extended family. Church is often their entertainment. Church has been vital in helping them lay a firm foundation for their faith. A lot has been given to them because they've been active in our church. Things I couldn't have given them on my own as a parent.
Though church will hopefully always a place that Alyssa and Kyle go, and that they will always reap the benefits of being a part of a church family, there will come a point where they can begin to have a part in the "work" of the church. I think even now they can do little things to "be shepherds" to God's church.
They've worked in the nursery, helped with Vacation Bible School, washed windows and even read scripture in worship services, but somewhere along the way, I pray that they take hold of the passion that God has for the church and for all the lost people in this world. Even at this young age they can minister and encourage those who come through the doors of our church, or participate in evangelism to our neighbors, and they can even do work in the areas of conflict resolution among our body, or participate in the teaching of God's Word.
Being like shepherds to God's church is a high calling, and comes with many opportunities, and may take hard work. But I pray that it's a calling my children take hold of and live out, and that they always love the church.
Lord, encourage and prod Alyssa and Kyle to look after themselves and everyone the Holy Spirit has placed in their care. May they always be like shepherds to God's church. It is the flock that you bought with the blood of your own Son. Your church is a precious thing, and you made it to be a blessing in our lives. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to be a part of the church, and even when it's not "fun", or feels like hard work, they will choose to remain committed and active in honor of you. I pray that they will always attend a church that is vital, active, and totally passionate for you, dear Jesus, and that they will be good shepherds for you!

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