Wednesday, September 1, 2010


"Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place."  Psalm 28:2

 Needing help to get out!...Oregon Coast 2005

An excerpt from a book recently spoke to me.  The book is called Gone to Green by Judy Christie.  Though it was just a fiction book, it reminded me of a simple, but good, lesson.
I would get up early and sit in my porch swing and return there at the end of the day.  I began each of these sessions, as I thought of them, by saying, "Help."  And I sat and waited and listened.
Before long everything that happened was subject to scrutiny.  Was this God talking?  Was that?  Or was this evil trying to lead me away?  Was I on the right track?...
 "Help," I said a hundred times a day. "Help, help, help."

I loved that so much.  I needed the reminder, even as a mom, to just be willing to ask for help.  So often I try to do things on my own strength.  And then to even wait and listen for God to answer.  It seems that my first response is to do, do, do.

I desire that my children learn to go to God when they have problems, or questions, and are seeking direction or wisdom.  Often, like when they were little and were learning to do something, they respond with a confident and independent, "I do it."  Sometimes stopping, asking for help, and waiting to hear God's answer is much harder.  What sweet rewards though, if we are patient.

Lord, remind Alyssa and Kyle that it's okay, and good, to cry out to you for help.  Teach them to stop and listen for your answer and guidance, before going ahead in their own strength and wisdom, too accomplish the hard things in their paths.  Asking for help doesn't mean that we are weak or unable, it means that you, Lord, are stronger, wiser, and more able.  You see the bigger picture.  You understand in ways that we cannot fathom.  You know our beginning and end, our strengths and weaknesses, and our dreams and desires.  Thank you, Father, for always hearing our cry for help.

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