VBS 2010
As I sit here, thinking about what to write for my "Thankful Thursday" post, I can hear my daughter singing along with some praise songs on her computer. "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest!" (by Brooke Fraser) is being sung over and over. I love seeing, and hearing, her faith being lived out in her life. The songs she is singing and listening to, the posts she writes on Facebook, and even in our conversations together. Love that!
We've been watching the Girl play volleyball the last couple of nights. Though her team hasn't done much winning, I love watching her play. Especially when she blocks the ball, and gracefully tips it onto the other court (I'm sure there's an "official" term for that...maybe a "kill". She was credited for four of those in last weeks game.) Love that!
Lyssa making a "kill"...2010
Lyss is also spending half of her day in classes at the high school, and then finishing off her day at the local college. At 16, she is the youngest on campus, but seems to be flourishing. I think she is thriving under the freedom, of going back and forth with a friend, and hanging out in coffee shops doing her homework. Love that!
Every day, Lyss comes home for lunch at 10:30, always bringing a friend or two. Oh what I learn when listening in on their conversations. They are all good kids and I'm thankful that she has friends who love school, and are making wise choices in their lives. Though I was a bit selfish at first, at the thought of loosing some of my "free time", it's been nice to see a different side of my girl. Love that!
God is moving in her life, and I love that! And I love her!
Oh, Lord, you are so good! Thank you for the daughter you have given us, and how you are working in such mighty ways in her life. Thank you for blessing Alyssa with such wonderful gifts, and making her such a strong, yet beautiful, young lady. I see you actively pursuing her and drawing her to yourself, slowly making her into the woman you've planned her to be. You, Lord, have wonderful designs for her days, and for her gifts, and I look forward to watching your hand at work in her life. Continue to guide her down the path you have planned for her. Continue molding her, refining her, and loving her through each day, and each life experience. Help her, Lord, to truly understand the love you have for her, and for that truth to infiltrate every part of her life. Love her, dear Jesus! And help her to know that her mother loves her too.

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