My kids have both quit asking me for help on their math homework. They are way beyond my brain capacity. Had they asked me 25 years ago, I would have still remembered what I learned in Algebra. Instead I'm pretty sure that my brain has turned to mush.. Kyle, in one of my non-helpful moments, when he was in the 5th grade said “I thought you graduated from high school, Mom.” Ugh!
I am so amazed watching my kids do their homework…the problems they are solving, the books they are reading, and the questions they are answering can be intense. They always have a lot that they are learning and figuring out. I pray that they never come across their mother's "genes" for giving up. If the problem is too hard to solve, or a project takes to much work, she gives up too easily…or just takes a break, or two, or three. I truly hope that my kids are different and will be strong in the perseverance department.
May they always work hard until they figure out their problems…in homework or in life....and may they always strive to do their best.
Perseverance is not for wimps. You go, kids!
Precious Father, thank you for the children you have given me who are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Their minds are like sponges, and daily they are learning more about your creation, and using the wisdom they are gaining to solve problems, manage life, and live healthy and happy lives. I pray, Lord, that you help them to run this life with perseverance. May they find your strength when they want to give up because something is just too hard. I pray that they persevere in their relationships with others, and that they will always choose to work things out and mend conflicts. I pray that they choose strong careers, following the “race you have marked out” for them, and stay the course even when things get tough. Lord, put your spirit in them that they may sense your strength, believe in your goal, listen and seek your wisdom, and live out their lives with a passion that reflects You.
And P.S. Help their Mom to run the parenting race with perseverance too!

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