Sunday, September 19, 2010

348 Prayers and Counting

One year ago today my prayer journey began and I wrote this: 

Beginning of a Journey

"We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties."
--Oswald Chambers

God is calling me to step up my prayer life. Especially in regards to my children. In just a few weeks my house will hold two, yes count them, two teenagers. And the more they experience of life, the more I can sense my worry shifting into a higher gear. How, as a parent, can I combat everything they are being barraged with on a daily basis? How can I entrust that they will make right, safe, and godly choices?

God recently gave me the greatest parenting tip of all time...pray!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." --Philippians 4:6

I want to use this blog (something I've never done before) to encourage myself, and maybe others, to be specific in their prayers for the kids, and be diligent about praying for them on a daily basis. I want to see changes my kids lives, one prayer at a time, and hope that they follow Jesus with all that they are, and for all the days of their life!

I'm on my knees! Will you join me?

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