This last weekend our family went to work and had a garage sale. One of my favorite things to do! (Notice the hint of sarcasm.)
A year's worth of junk was pulled down from the attic. Yes, we had a garage sale one year ago. And I was amazed how much stuff we had to sell.
Our one little family had 9 tables covered in stuff, and 5 garbage bags full of unwanted clothes. And it struck me in a profound way that we keep accumulating more and more "things", and replacing good objects with something bigger and better. Sure, some things were broken. Some things outgrown. Some things are just not needed anymore. But could we be content with fewer things? Could we be satisfied with what we already own?
The moment the earnings hit our pockets, we were deciding what to buy with our part of the profits. More stuff.
Contentment...something I'm going to work on, and something I'm praying our kids find as well!
Lord, you search me and know me, and you are familiar with all my ways. Even my greedy, discontented self. I see those same tendencies in our children. Though I know it's part of the human condition, I pray Lord that you do a work within all of us, in order that we may reflect you living within us. Help each of us to be contented with what we have, and satisfied with little. May we move from wanting more things, assuming that would make us happier, to wanting more of You. You, and only you, fill the empty places in our hearts, that we so often expect other things to fill. Lord, move our hearts to contentment, peace, and thanksgiving. May our hearts be filled with you!

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