Monday, November 30, 2009

What God Has Made You For

Alyssa's Birthday, 2005

Today’s verse: “For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

It’s Monday and the kids are back in school…much to their dismay. Getting out of bed this morning was a bit of a challenge after a week off of school, and a weekend full of family and church activities. As I dropped them off at school this morning, I called out my hopes that they have a great day, and they responded with these unintelligible grunts. It made me think that they weren’t looking forward to the day ahead.

Today, my kids will head to many different classes. Between the two of them they will visit Spanish, Speech, World Literature, Algebra, Writing, Social Studies, Writing, Computers, and Science. Some of these classes are more challenging than others, and some hold greater interest. I’ve been praying, over the years, that my kids fall in love with learning, and that school becomes more than just a “job” they have to go to each day. Even greater, today I am praying that they begin to notice areas of stronger passion and interest in their school work, that will help guide them into their future careers and in knowing what God has created them for.

My kids may change their minds about what they want to do with their lives, a few times between now and the end of their college years, but God has given them particular gifts and interests, and they can begin now to recognize those leanings. I can’t wait to see where God leads them. I pray that they live their lives passionately doing what God has made them to do, being filled with joy day by day, and bringing Him abundant glory with their gifts.

I wonder who they will be, and what they will do with their lives. It’s going to be fun to watch and see God’s plan unfold in their lives. Whatever it is, I believe in my heart that it’s going to be great!

Lord, you have great plans for my children’s lives, and you have created and formed them to bring you glory in whatever they do with their lives. I pray that they begin sensing your call for their lives, even now, when they are young. As they study the basics at school, may they begin to recognize areas where they find great joy, easy learning, and desire to know more and more. Lead them, Lord, in finding the purpose you have for them, and understanding what you have created them for. May they excel in areas of greater learning, and find their passions and desires, to make a difference in this world for you. May they never settle for doing what is “easy”, but strive to do and be the best that they can be. Lord, grow my children up to do what you’ve made them to do! I can’t wait to see your plan for their lives unfold in beautiful ways. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers.

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