Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday: God Sightings

Today’s verse: “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8

I love seeing God at work! At our Women’s Bible Study we call them “God Sightings”. We go around the room and we share how we have seen the Lord’s presence in our lives throughout the week. It’s so fun to hear how others experience God in their daily lives, and are aware of His speaking to them, or His blessing. We always conclude our time with a prayer of thanksgiving. So, today, I want to share my God sightings, and give Him thanks for His obvious presence!

Quaker Art: Presence in the Midst
  • Yesterday I wrote about finding moments of laughter with my family, and tonight at dinner we all laughed until we had tears rolling out our eyes. Such a sweet sound!
  • On my November 9th blog I prayed about my kids procrastination with homework. Aaaahhhhhh…we’ve experienced a little breakthrough! Alleluia!
  • The kids and I have been struggling with our drive home from church on Sunday nights. Everyone is tired and cranky after a long day at church. So I asked my friends to pray for us. This Sunday we all drove home laughing together. God is good!
  • The YIPPS (Youth Intercessory Prayer Partners) had some awesome prayer time this week, and I am blessed by the commitment of other parents to meet together and pray for the youth, and the youth leaders of our church. God is answering our prayers.
  • Ken was able to visit a lady who once attended our church, but we hadn’t seen in many years, just a few hours before she went home to be with the Lord. God’s perfect timing.
The list goes on…I have more, but will let this suffice for now. I just wanted to “make known among the nations what he has done” in my life this week!

What an amazing God you are! You hear our prayers, you speak to us, and you bless us in abundant ways. Thank you for answering the prayers of this parent, who is on her knees for her family. As a mom, I tend to worry about many things in regards to my kid’s lives, but am learning that I can lay all of those burdens at your feet and entrust them to your care. You are infinitely more knowledgeable, and more sufficient, than this mom could ever be. Lord, I thank you for drawing near to me, as I draw near to you. Thank you for listening to the cry of my heart, and answering each time I call on you. I continue to be on my knees, begging for your presence in the lives of my children, and in my life, as I work to be the mom you’ve called me to be. I have faith that I can do all things because you live in me! And because I believe that with all my heart, I will continue to make known all that you're doing in my life. Amen!

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