God is compassion, and breathes compassion, and He calls us to wardrobe ourselves with compassion as well. He lives to shower love on the unlovely, give hope to the hopeless, and mend the broken hearted, and we have the opportunity to be His hands and feet. Our world is crying for compassion.
There is nothing more fun than watching God do a work in your child’s life. I’ve had glimpses of compassion growing in my daughter’s heart, and know it’s because of God’s presence is living in her and speaking to her. A few times in the recent months she has heard of families that are struggling in their marriages, and she comes to me and asks me to offer her babysitting services. By watching their kids, she is helping them to either meet with us, as pastors, to talk about their marriage, or to be able to go out on a date together. She is showing compassion for hurting families.
The compassion of Christ is moving her to help the helpless. I see Christ living in her. Oh, what a blessing to watch!
Lord, you are a compassionate God. You are in the business of making things right, and taking the side of the helpless. Even when I was “at the end of my rope” you saved me. Our world is full of people who are at the end of their ropes, and need an abundance of compassion and mercy. Lord, as you live in me, and as you live in my children, may your compassion be evident in our words and actions. May we sense your heartbeat for the lost, the hurting, and the unlovely, and spread your mercy and compassion to those we meet. I pray that others see you living in us, as we become your hands and feet. Lord, compassion marks your life, may it mark ours as well.
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