God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Monday, November 30, 2009
What God Has Made You For
Today’s verse: “For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
It’s Monday and the kids are back in school…much to their dismay. Getting out of bed this morning was a bit of a challenge after a week off of school, and a weekend full of family and church activities. As I dropped them off at school this morning, I called out my hopes that they have a great day, and they responded with these unintelligible grunts. It made me think that they weren’t looking forward to the day ahead.
Today, my kids will head to many different classes. Between the two of them they will visit Spanish, Speech, World Literature, Algebra, Writing, Social Studies, Writing, Computers, and Science. Some of these classes are more challenging than others, and some hold greater interest. I’ve been praying, over the years, that my kids fall in love with learning, and that school becomes more than just a “job” they have to go to each day. Even greater, today I am praying that they begin to notice areas of stronger passion and interest in their school work, that will help guide them into their future careers and in knowing what God has created them for.
My kids may change their minds about what they want to do with their lives, a few times between now and the end of their college years, but God has given them particular gifts and interests, and they can begin now to recognize those leanings. I can’t wait to see where God leads them. I pray that they live their lives passionately doing what God has made them to do, being filled with joy day by day, and bringing Him abundant glory with their gifts.
I wonder who they will be, and what they will do with their lives. It’s going to be fun to watch and see God’s plan unfold in their lives. Whatever it is, I believe in my heart that it’s going to be great!
Lord, you have great plans for my children’s lives, and you have created and formed them to bring you glory in whatever they do with their lives. I pray that they begin sensing your call for their lives, even now, when they are young. As they study the basics at school, may they begin to recognize areas where they find great joy, easy learning, and desire to know more and more. Lead them, Lord, in finding the purpose you have for them, and understanding what you have created them for. May they excel in areas of greater learning, and find their passions and desires, to make a difference in this world for you. May they never settle for doing what is “easy”, but strive to do and be the best that they can be. Lord, grow my children up to do what you’ve made them to do! I can’t wait to see your plan for their lives unfold in beautiful ways. Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
God Guards...That's Just How He Is
Today’s verse: “He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.” Proverbs 2:8 (NLT)
I remember Alyssa’s first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday. Dropping off my firstborn, and entrusting her to the care of someone I didn’t know for the afternoon, caused a small bit of apprehension. Would she be well cared for, and protected from all harms? What would she learn and experience? Would she choose good friends? Unlike all of the days of her life so far, I was loosing control of what happened in my daughter’s life. For three hours each day she would be on her own, and without me by her side.
As the years have gone on, and Alyssa has grown into a teenager, the times that we are apart have grown from three to seven hours each day, and sometimes even a week or more on different occasions. Before I know it, she will move from our home, and no longer be under our roof on a daily basis. With each step of growth in my daughter, my own grasp on her life lessens more and more. As I become less in her life, I pray that God becomes more.
I am learning to entrust my children to God’s care each and every day, believing that He guards their path and protects them from harm when I can no longer be near them. His eyes can see farther than mine will ever be able to, and His arms will protect them better than mine ever can. He is God, and I am not. He will watch over them today, just as He did yesterday, and will do tomorrow. That’s just how God is.
That’s just how God is.
Lord, guard the paths of my children, and protect them because they are faithful to you. Be near them each day, leading, guiding, and guarding them. Lead them down paths that lead directly to you, and towards the plans you have for their lives. Lord, watch over my dear children all the days of their lives. Teach me to continually entrust them to your care, and believe in my heart that you have your hands protecting them. Guard their hearts from anger, hurt, loneliness, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Guard their eyes from seeing things that aren’t from you. Guard their ears from hearing the enemy’s voice leading them away from you, Lord. Guard their hands from doing evil and hurting others. Lord, I entrust my children to your care, knowing that you will protect them in ways that I cannot. What a reassurance for this mother’s heart. I love you, Lord Jesus!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
My Greatest Prayer
Today’s verse: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” John 10:27-28
I never tire of praying for my children’s salvation. I don’t even want to imagine what their lives would be like without God. On a daily basis, I see visual reminders of a lost world, and people who don’t know Him. They are lonely, tired, and hurting. I pray that the salvation my children prayed for when they were young, will become real and precious to them as they grow into adults. May their faith be real, and may it become their own.
Aaahhhhh…It’s my greatest prayer.
What a promise to hold onto, Lord! No one can snatch my children from your hand. Eternal life is your gift to them when they call on your name. I pray Lord, that they continue to turn their hearts toward you, moment by moment, day after day, and from this year until they are old and gray. Lord, you love my children with an everlasting love. You sent your one and only Son for them, and when they choose to believe in you, you will give them eternal life. You will be their strength and their song, and become their salvation. God be their rock, in whom they can take refuge. Salvation if theirs for the taking today. Lord, may my children accept your gift with a lifelong steadfastness, and fix their eyes on you all the days of their lives.
I never tire of praying for my children’s salvation. I don’t even want to imagine what their lives would be like without God. On a daily basis, I see visual reminders of a lost world, and people who don’t know Him. They are lonely, tired, and hurting. I pray that the salvation my children prayed for when they were young, will become real and precious to them as they grow into adults. May their faith be real, and may it become their own.
Aaahhhhh…It’s my greatest prayer.
What a promise to hold onto, Lord! No one can snatch my children from your hand. Eternal life is your gift to them when they call on your name. I pray Lord, that they continue to turn their hearts toward you, moment by moment, day after day, and from this year until they are old and gray. Lord, you love my children with an everlasting love. You sent your one and only Son for them, and when they choose to believe in you, you will give them eternal life. You will be their strength and their song, and become their salvation. God be their rock, in whom they can take refuge. Salvation if theirs for the taking today. Lord, may my children accept your gift with a lifelong steadfastness, and fix their eyes on you all the days of their lives.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sisters, Brothers and Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Helping one another doesn’t always come naturally. Especially when it comes to sisters and brothers. It goes against the grain of our selfish nature.
One of the most “tender” moments in my mind yesterday, as we celebrated Thanksgiving Day with my extended family, was when my niece Daria (age 10) made a peanut butter sandwich for her little brother Luke (age 6). No mother’s demand to help or anything. Maybe I didn’t hear the whole store unfold, but I was impressed that a sister would be so kind and helpful to her brother. A rarity without being told.
Thinking of another's need and being helpful, is being like Jesus. It’s showing love with action. It’s thinking of someone else first. Becoming like Christ to others. What rich lessons to learn for life.
Sisters and brothers don’t always think they love one another, but its in moments like these that I am reminded that the honest truth is…they really do love each other. I just want more of those kind of moments in my home.
Lord, I know that I’ve said it before, but I am thankful for my family. What joy it is to be together in one place for a few days. I thank you for my husband and children, for my parents, and my sister and her family. So much laughter and happy memories. I thank you for the beautiful picture I saw yesterday of a sister helping her brother. It’s a reminder that helping one another is a gift and joy, and is something that you call us to do out of love for one another. I pray that I (and my children) can be more like my niece, and help without being asked to, without expecting anything in return, and not because someone is demanding my help. I also pray that the gift of being helpful is evident in my children’s lives, even in regards to helping each other. Lord, help my children to be kind, to think of the other person first, and show love and compassion to one another. I pray that they find joy in their relationship as sister and brother, put aside their differences, and become friends for a lifetime. Oh, I will shout for joy, on the day I see them make a peanut butter sandwich for the other! Funny, I know, but I will give you praise!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A Truly Thankful Thursday

I’ve had song running through my head the last couple of days. It’s an old hymn, but the words are perfect for this Thanksgiving Day.
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
(“Count Your Blessings” by Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1897)
There are so many blessings to count today. Each one a gift from God. Later today my stomach will be full of Thanksgiving, but for now my heart is full of thanksgiving!
- 1 Dear husband.
- 2 Precious children.
- 3 Bedrooms in my lovely home…a warm place to lay our heads at night.
- 4 Grandparents who love my kids, and who encourage and pray for us.
- 5 Brandt family members…Tim, Christine, Daria, Caden & Luke all here for Thanksgiving.
- A multitude of friends who bless my life.
- A church family who supports us in abundant ways.
- An extended family who lives far and wide, but non-the-less are an important part of our lives.
- My family’s health.
- Life-long memories this summer on our 12-week sabbatical from the church.
- My husband’s job that provides for our family, but allows us to serve the Lord on a daily basis.
- A Women’s Bible Study that helps me grow in my faith.
- Faithful parents who come together each Sunday night to pray for our youth.
- Passionate youth leaders in my kids lives.
- God’s speaking to me.
- God’s salvation, friendship, and deep love.
Thank you, Lord, for the abundant gifts you’ve given me. So often, I forget to say thank you. My heart is full as I contemplate your part in my life, and the ways that you speak to me, reminding me of your love. Thank you for my family, for my home, and for the privilege it is to serve you in ministry. Thank you for my precious friends, and how they encourage me, love me, and walk with me on this journey of faith. Lord, my heart will be singing your praise each moment of this day, naming my blessings one by one.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Cleaning Frenzy...Not!

Today’s verse: “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:25-26
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, and guests arriving on our doorstep this evening, we are busily cleaning the house and making preparations for a feast of grand proportion. The kids "love" cleaning bathrooms, organizing their rooms, and running the vacuum. (I’ve often been in a state of wonderment when they exclaim such disgust for vacuuming the house. It seems to me that it’s one of the easiest jobs on the list! Hey, hand me the vacuum, and I’ll pass you the toilet brush.)
I think that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become less and less stressed about the things that need cleaned before company arrives. Maybe I just know that after the first five minutes nobody notices, or cares, what is clean and what isn’t. So, I usually make sure the bathrooms are clean, and beyond that it’s all up to the time I have. I know my family is probably saying “yeah, right”, but it’s true. I just make sure I have time to do some of the other things!
One thought that crossed my mind today, however, is that if I am diligent about keeping things picked up and cleaned day-by-day, then when I have company come, the amount of things needing a deep make-over isn’t so great. If I let the toilets go, for weeks on end, then the job to clean them is much greater.
The same is true with our hearts and minds. If we are persistent on a daily basis to meet with Jesus, asking Him for forgiveness, and seeking His truth in our inner beings, then we won’t be overwhelmed by the overhaul that needs to happen in our lives when the need arises. Daily doing business with God, and allowing His Spirit to make us new and clean, makes the process a little less intimidating and overwhelming.
A clean heart is one that isn’t necessarily without sin, it’s just a heart that is forgiven by the Savior. A clean heart is one that reflects His presence, and transforming power, in our lives.
“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor. 3:18
Today we will finish cleaning the house, and I’ll also make sure to find time with God and ask that He “create in me a pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10) I’m hoping that neither job should be too big, because I’ve been keeping up, little by little. We’ll see as the day goes!
Lord, I’m so thankful that you’re in the business of making my heart clean, and giving me a new spirit. As I daily meet with you, please sweep out the things that get in the way of me reflecting you. I pray that I can teach my children that cleaning isn’t such a bad job, and that doing a little bit at a time makes the job seem less daunting…in their homes, and in their souls. Lord, daily create in us a clean heart, and renew in us a right spirit. May we reflect you, more and more, as we seek you for cleansing. How beautiful to be transformed into your likeness, one day at a time.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Instruments of Peace

Today’s verse: “A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.” Proverbs 15:18
My kids have fought over the silliest things…
Seats in the car, suitcases, crackers,
balls, television channels, beds,
toilet paper, candy bars,
video games, getting the mail,
annoying noises, music preferences,
or volume levels of the music,
and of course, our dog Zoe.
This list is definitely not exhaustive, but truly exhausting.
Especially from this mother’s perspective.
I’ve tried to teach my children, that these things aren’t worth fighting over, especially if it damages their relationship in the process. No“thing” is more important than the person they are arguing with.
I’ve also tried instilling in them that they can be the end of the argument. They each have the opportunity to change the direction of the argument, just by dropping the discussion, or changing the tone of their voice. Speaking calmly in the midst of “hot” topics, is something that takes self-control and discipline, but can change a tense discussion into a peace-filled conversation. They can be the instrument of change and peace. Speaking with patience, reflects Christ living in them, and often brings about the calm that is needed to end the quarrel.
A mother’s greatest dream some days!
Lord, I’m sure it breaks your heart to see your people fighting and quarreling. It breaks your heart when we are not kind and compassionate with one another, and living with dissension and arguments. Please forgive us, Lord. Replace our angry words with ones marked by your peace, love, and mercy. When our feelings get out of control, and fighting seems the only answer, I pray that your Spirit interrupts us and reminds us to be calm, kind, and peaceful. Lord, remind my kids of the high importance of their relationship with one another. Instill in them that there is nothing worth fighting over that would cause broken relationships. Help us all to remember that we can be the end of the argument, and the ones to mark our conversations with calm and peace. Lord, may we reflect you in all that we say and do.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Marked By God's Word
Today’s verse: “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
I love marking my Bible. I love making notes, underlining meaningful verses, and placing dates or people’s names on verses in order to remember hopes or promises I have for those individuals. I was able to share with someone recently a verse that I prayed for them, years ago, and have seen come to fruition in their life. God’s Word is precious, living and active!
When Kyle first got his new Bible, he’d follow me around asking for reference of some of the scriptures I had underlined in my Bible, so that he could underline them too. I gave him a few, thrilled that he was learning by example and wanted to make his Bible look like mine. After a few verses, however, I tried to explain that he will want to find his own verses to underline. I wanted him to go seeking for his own promises from God (though all of God’s promises are for each and every one of us!). There are so many treasures in God’s Word just for him! God wants to speak to Kyle, and to do a life changing work in him, through His Word. What joy that will be for him, and for me to watch!
Yesterday, I visited a church and the pastor said something that struck me. I’m not sure if it’s a quote from someone else, or cleverly created by this pastor for this particular sermon, but I liked it.
I so want my children’s lives to be marked by the Words of God. I pray that they find words that are filled with abundant love, rich wisdom, and have the power to change their lives and draw them into a living and vibrant life in God. May they sense Him speaking to them each time they open His Word, and out of those intimate moments, I pray that they are gradually changed to look more like Him.
Lord, your Word is a beautiful treasure, and I am so thankful that I hear you speaking each time I open its pages. I’m thankful that it reminds me of the depths of your love for me, and this world. It speaks truth in my life, and fills the empty places. It is something that I hope I never take for granted. Lord, I pray that my kids fall in love with your Word, and find you speaking to them each time they open its precious pages. I pray that it is living and active in their lives, and it penetrates their soul and spirit. May it judge the thoughts and attitudes of their hearts, and lead them closer to you, and your desire for their lives. Lord, may your sweet Words, echo in their hearts and minds, and speak your love over them. What a precious gift that I pray we never take for granted. Your Word speaks, and may we be faithful to listen!
I love marking my Bible. I love making notes, underlining meaningful verses, and placing dates or people’s names on verses in order to remember hopes or promises I have for those individuals. I was able to share with someone recently a verse that I prayed for them, years ago, and have seen come to fruition in their life. God’s Word is precious, living and active!
When Kyle first got his new Bible, he’d follow me around asking for reference of some of the scriptures I had underlined in my Bible, so that he could underline them too. I gave him a few, thrilled that he was learning by example and wanted to make his Bible look like mine. After a few verses, however, I tried to explain that he will want to find his own verses to underline. I wanted him to go seeking for his own promises from God (though all of God’s promises are for each and every one of us!). There are so many treasures in God’s Word just for him! God wants to speak to Kyle, and to do a life changing work in him, through His Word. What joy that will be for him, and for me to watch!
Yesterday, I visited a church and the pastor said something that struck me. I’m not sure if it’s a quote from someone else, or cleverly created by this pastor for this particular sermon, but I liked it.
“You can mark your Bible, but more importantly,
let your Bible mark you.”
--Pastor Jim at Crosspointe Baptist Church
let your Bible mark you.”
--Pastor Jim at Crosspointe Baptist Church
I so want my children’s lives to be marked by the Words of God. I pray that they find words that are filled with abundant love, rich wisdom, and have the power to change their lives and draw them into a living and vibrant life in God. May they sense Him speaking to them each time they open His Word, and out of those intimate moments, I pray that they are gradually changed to look more like Him.
Lord, your Word is a beautiful treasure, and I am so thankful that I hear you speaking each time I open its pages. I’m thankful that it reminds me of the depths of your love for me, and this world. It speaks truth in my life, and fills the empty places. It is something that I hope I never take for granted. Lord, I pray that my kids fall in love with your Word, and find you speaking to them each time they open its precious pages. I pray that it is living and active in their lives, and it penetrates their soul and spirit. May it judge the thoughts and attitudes of their hearts, and lead them closer to you, and your desire for their lives. Lord, may your sweet Words, echo in their hearts and minds, and speak your love over them. What a precious gift that I pray we never take for granted. Your Word speaks, and may we be faithful to listen!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Spiritual Giants in the Land

Today’s verse: "Go," the LORD said to me, "and lead the people on their way, so that they may enter and possess the land that I swore to their fathers to give them." Deuteronomy 10:11
My heart is full of contemplation today as I think about the spiritual giants in my life, and wondering if I living my life in such a way that I will be looked on as a person who encourages, leads, and stretches others in their walks with the Lord.
And my children…will they be people who lead others closer to the Promise Land? Will they be prayer warriors who others look to when needs arise? Will they be wise about God’s Word and speak with discernment and depth, to help others understand and believe the truth written on the pages of the Book of Life? Will they live their lives in such a way that people see the hope that comes in walking step-by-step with their Savior? Will they be passionate about shouting to the world their love for Jesus, and lead others into a similar, life-saving, relationship? Oh, I pray so. I pray they become spiritual giants to the world around them. May they “lead people on their way, so that they may enter and posses the land” God has promised for His children!
Be leaders, dear ones! There is a world that is lost and they are seeking what you have to offer. Be the spiritual giants of your day.
Lord, you are the answer for a world who is lost. You are the hope, the light, and the joy of the world. There are so many who are wandering in the desert, much like the Israelites, and are seeking directions to the Promise Land. I pray that my kids sense your call in their lives to lead the way. I pray that they boldly speak your truth, share the blessing you are in their lives, and offer to the world instruction, guidance, and wisdom on how to walk with you. Lord, may they be prayer warriors, bringing the needs of others to your feet. May they be truth seekers, and scripture lovers, so that they can share you in all that they say and do. I pray that my kids develop a deep relationship with you, Father, and pass that treasure onto others. What a gift they have to share with the world!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
God's Beautiful Benefits
Today’s Verse: “Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.” Psalm 103:1-5
“Salvation Saturday” always reminds me of the main purpose that God has placed on my heart for daily writing on this blog, and putting my prayers down on “paper”. My heart’s desire is that my children fall in love with Jesus, live their lives for Him, and rest in the promises of His Word. His benefits are so great, and they can be partakers of these things on a daily, or moment-by-moment basis. Forgiveness, healing, redemption, love, compassion, blessing, and renewal are available to them in abundant ways. I pray that they don’t just recognize these benefits from a distance, but stand hand-in-hand with the God who lavishes them with such precious things.
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that the salvation of my children is the biggest prayer of your heart as well. I believe that you are pursuing them on a daily basis, longing for them to love you, look to you, and worship you with their lives. You have the gift of forgiveness, and the promise of relationship, ready for their consumption. Lord, each of my kids have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have asked you to enter their hearts. I know you are present, living in them and speaking to them. I pray that their hearts continue to live in the reality of those decisions made long ago. Lord, thank you for the gift of your salvation. I praise you in the depths of my soul, for the many benefits I receive as your daughter. May my children take hold and live as partakers of your beautiful gifts! For this, I will continually fall on my knees in prayer to you!
“Salvation Saturday” always reminds me of the main purpose that God has placed on my heart for daily writing on this blog, and putting my prayers down on “paper”. My heart’s desire is that my children fall in love with Jesus, live their lives for Him, and rest in the promises of His Word. His benefits are so great, and they can be partakers of these things on a daily, or moment-by-moment basis. Forgiveness, healing, redemption, love, compassion, blessing, and renewal are available to them in abundant ways. I pray that they don’t just recognize these benefits from a distance, but stand hand-in-hand with the God who lavishes them with such precious things.
Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that the salvation of my children is the biggest prayer of your heart as well. I believe that you are pursuing them on a daily basis, longing for them to love you, look to you, and worship you with their lives. You have the gift of forgiveness, and the promise of relationship, ready for their consumption. Lord, each of my kids have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have asked you to enter their hearts. I know you are present, living in them and speaking to them. I pray that their hearts continue to live in the reality of those decisions made long ago. Lord, thank you for the gift of your salvation. I praise you in the depths of my soul, for the many benefits I receive as your daughter. May my children take hold and live as partakers of your beautiful gifts! For this, I will continually fall on my knees in prayer to you!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Your Dwelling Place
“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!” Psalm 84:1
“Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” 1 Corinthians 6:19
Taken by Lyssa 2009
“Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” 1 Corinthians 6:19

What a glorious thought to ponder today, dear Lord, and I am your dwelling place. Better yet, my children are your dwelling place, and a “lovely” dwelling place at that! Teach my children and I to believe and rest in that truth today. Lord, as you live in my children, teach them to sense your presence, and feel leading and guiding. Speak to them as your son and daughter, and fill them with your wisdom. May your spirit move them to act according to your desires, and cause them to live their lives reflecting you. I pray that that they sense the high calling that you have placed on their lives and live accordingly. Lord, walk with them, and talk with them, drawing them in to a tender relationship with you. Your Spirit is a precious gift and offers all that my children need, and I pray that you dwell with them all the days of their lives. Be near them, Lord I pray.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thankful Thursday: God Sightings
Today’s verse: “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” 1 Chronicles 16:8
I love seeing God at work! At our Women’s Bible Study we call them “God Sightings”. We go around the room and we share how we have seen the Lord’s presence in our lives throughout the week. It’s so fun to hear how others experience God in their daily lives, and are aware of His speaking to them, or His blessing. We always conclude our time with a prayer of thanksgiving. So, today, I want to share my God sightings, and give Him thanks for His obvious presence!
What an amazing God you are! You hear our prayers, you speak to us, and you bless us in abundant ways. Thank you for answering the prayers of this parent, who is on her knees for her family. As a mom, I tend to worry about many things in regards to my kid’s lives, but am learning that I can lay all of those burdens at your feet and entrust them to your care. You are infinitely more knowledgeable, and more sufficient, than this mom could ever be. Lord, I thank you for drawing near to me, as I draw near to you. Thank you for listening to the cry of my heart, and answering each time I call on you. I continue to be on my knees, begging for your presence in the lives of my children, and in my life, as I work to be the mom you’ve called me to be. I have faith that I can do all things because you live in me! And because I believe that with all my heart, I will continue to make known all that you're doing in my life. Amen!
I love seeing God at work! At our Women’s Bible Study we call them “God Sightings”. We go around the room and we share how we have seen the Lord’s presence in our lives throughout the week. It’s so fun to hear how others experience God in their daily lives, and are aware of His speaking to them, or His blessing. We always conclude our time with a prayer of thanksgiving. So, today, I want to share my God sightings, and give Him thanks for His obvious presence!
- Yesterday I wrote about finding moments of laughter with my family, and tonight at dinner we all laughed until we had tears rolling out our eyes. Such a sweet sound!
- On my November 9th blog I prayed about my kids procrastination with homework. Aaaahhhhhh…we’ve experienced a little breakthrough! Alleluia!
- The kids and I have been struggling with our drive home from church on Sunday nights. Everyone is tired and cranky after a long day at church. So I asked my friends to pray for us. This Sunday we all drove home laughing together. God is good!
- The YIPPS (Youth Intercessory Prayer Partners) had some awesome prayer time this week, and I am blessed by the commitment of other parents to meet together and pray for the youth, and the youth leaders of our church. God is answering our prayers.
- Ken was able to visit a lady who once attended our church, but we hadn’t seen in many years, just a few hours before she went home to be with the Lord. God’s perfect timing.
What an amazing God you are! You hear our prayers, you speak to us, and you bless us in abundant ways. Thank you for answering the prayers of this parent, who is on her knees for her family. As a mom, I tend to worry about many things in regards to my kid’s lives, but am learning that I can lay all of those burdens at your feet and entrust them to your care. You are infinitely more knowledgeable, and more sufficient, than this mom could ever be. Lord, I thank you for drawing near to me, as I draw near to you. Thank you for listening to the cry of my heart, and answering each time I call on you. I continue to be on my knees, begging for your presence in the lives of my children, and in my life, as I work to be the mom you’ve called me to be. I have faith that I can do all things because you live in me! And because I believe that with all my heart, I will continue to make known all that you're doing in my life. Amen!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Family, Fun, and a Frog
Today’s verse: “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:2-3
Yesterday I mentioned what joy I find when I watch my kids enthralled in Grammy’s stories. Well, I also find great joy when I watch my kids tell their favorite story with Grammy as the subject. Laughter helps build precious relationships and lifelong memories. This story brought much laughter, and it will be a memory that hangs around for a very long time.
One summer, our family met up for a camping trip, high up in the mountains of Southern Idaho. Beautiful trees, wildlife, and even a creek running right by our “camp site”, but no electricity, no toilets, and no showers. Grammy & Papa brought their trailer and provided a place to cook the meals, refrigerate our food, and they even shared their bathroom. (Thank you for saving us from going out in the boondocks!) We did build fancy outdoor showers out in the woods. What a wonderful invention a “sun shower” is! Warm water after a long day in the outdoors is a beautiful thing!
The kids’ favorite place to play at our secret camping spot was in the nearby creek. For hours they would throw rocks, get wet, build dams, and make boats to send down the “river.” The ultimate joy was found, however, when they came across a frog!
I’m not sure who came up with the idea first, but next thing you know there were giggles and plans being flung all around between the two sons-in-laws and grandkids. For some reason, I was not let in on anything until things were in full swing. I’m guessing they feared that I would let the "cat out of the bag". But when lawn chairs were being lined up along the outside of the trailer, and a row of observers who were ready for a “show” began to appear, I started to question what was going on.
When the giggles calmed down long enough to spit a sentence out, I was informed that the frog they caught that morning, and that had been living in the “frog jail” all afternoon, had found a new home in the soap dish in Grammy’s shower. With a little squishing the frog was tucked away for safe keeping. Everyone was just waiting for the big reveal.
It wasn’t long before the expectant audience was rewarded with a loud, blood-curdling scream. Grammy came face to face with a frog in her shower. I’m not sure who was more scared…Grammy or the frog?!
We laugh about this story all the time! I think that it is one that will be told over and over again, and maybe even passed down to the next generation of grandkids. “Grammy, tell us the frog story!” Oh, what joy!
Lord, I give you thanks for the sweet memories in our lives that bring joy and laughter. We are blessed by precious relationships in our family, and we so enjoy our times together. Sweet giggles, belly laughter, and memories to last a lifetime. May we remember to be thankful for each member of our family, and always be willing to do the work of maintaining and mending relationships. Even as the holidays are upon us, give us new memories, abundant laughter, and lots of joy in just being together. You, Lord, have done great things in our lives, and our family is one of those great things.
Yesterday I mentioned what joy I find when I watch my kids enthralled in Grammy’s stories. Well, I also find great joy when I watch my kids tell their favorite story with Grammy as the subject. Laughter helps build precious relationships and lifelong memories. This story brought much laughter, and it will be a memory that hangs around for a very long time.
One summer, our family met up for a camping trip, high up in the mountains of Southern Idaho. Beautiful trees, wildlife, and even a creek running right by our “camp site”, but no electricity, no toilets, and no showers. Grammy & Papa brought their trailer and provided a place to cook the meals, refrigerate our food, and they even shared their bathroom. (Thank you for saving us from going out in the boondocks!) We did build fancy outdoor showers out in the woods. What a wonderful invention a “sun shower” is! Warm water after a long day in the outdoors is a beautiful thing!
The kids’ favorite place to play at our secret camping spot was in the nearby creek. For hours they would throw rocks, get wet, build dams, and make boats to send down the “river.” The ultimate joy was found, however, when they came across a frog!
I’m not sure who came up with the idea first, but next thing you know there were giggles and plans being flung all around between the two sons-in-laws and grandkids. For some reason, I was not let in on anything until things were in full swing. I’m guessing they feared that I would let the "cat out of the bag". But when lawn chairs were being lined up along the outside of the trailer, and a row of observers who were ready for a “show” began to appear, I started to question what was going on.
When the giggles calmed down long enough to spit a sentence out, I was informed that the frog they caught that morning, and that had been living in the “frog jail” all afternoon, had found a new home in the soap dish in Grammy’s shower. With a little squishing the frog was tucked away for safe keeping. Everyone was just waiting for the big reveal.
It wasn’t long before the expectant audience was rewarded with a loud, blood-curdling scream. Grammy came face to face with a frog in her shower. I’m not sure who was more scared…Grammy or the frog?!
We laugh about this story all the time! I think that it is one that will be told over and over again, and maybe even passed down to the next generation of grandkids. “Grammy, tell us the frog story!” Oh, what joy!
Lord, I give you thanks for the sweet memories in our lives that bring joy and laughter. We are blessed by precious relationships in our family, and we so enjoy our times together. Sweet giggles, belly laughter, and memories to last a lifetime. May we remember to be thankful for each member of our family, and always be willing to do the work of maintaining and mending relationships. Even as the holidays are upon us, give us new memories, abundant laughter, and lots of joy in just being together. You, Lord, have done great things in our lives, and our family is one of those great things.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
One More Story, God!
Today’s verse: "As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever," says the Lord. –Isaiah 59:21
My children have a heritage filled with faithfulness.
I believe that I walk closely with the Lord today because of my God-loving family and their faithfulness to serve Him, love Him, and live for Him. Their mouths must have been filled with stories of God’s blessing and work in their lives. It then became a powerful testimony, passed down from generation to generation, to infect lives with Jesus. I believe, even now, my kid’s lives are impacted for Jesus with each story told. It just shows the power of our words!
I thank the Lord for the heritage I have, and that my children have, of a God-loving family. Like them, I pray that my kid’s mouths will be filled with stories of His faithfulness in their lives.
One more story, God. Oh, one more story!
Lord, your faithfulness from generation to generation, is something I give you praise for. You have moved, and acted, in my family’s life in so many ways. Thank you for a heritage of believers who have lived their lives for you, and were faithful to not let your words depart from their mouths. I love the precious moments my kids have, sitting and hearing stories of your presence in the past, and love the stories you are creating for the future. Lord, show my kids evidence of your activity in their lives today. May their eyes and ears be fully aware of your presence, and recognize the stories they have that give testimony to your Spirit’s work in their lives. Thank you, Lord, for the stories!
My children have a heritage filled with faithfulness.
- They have Great-great-grandparents (and beyond) who loved the Lord.
- They have Great-grandparents who loved the Lord.
- They have Grandparents who love the Lord.
- And aunts, uncles, and cousins, from generations past until today, who love/loved the Lord.
I believe that I walk closely with the Lord today because of my God-loving family and their faithfulness to serve Him, love Him, and live for Him. Their mouths must have been filled with stories of God’s blessing and work in their lives. It then became a powerful testimony, passed down from generation to generation, to infect lives with Jesus. I believe, even now, my kid’s lives are impacted for Jesus with each story told. It just shows the power of our words!
I thank the Lord for the heritage I have, and that my children have, of a God-loving family. Like them, I pray that my kid’s mouths will be filled with stories of His faithfulness in their lives.
One more story, God. Oh, one more story!
Lord, your faithfulness from generation to generation, is something I give you praise for. You have moved, and acted, in my family’s life in so many ways. Thank you for a heritage of believers who have lived their lives for you, and were faithful to not let your words depart from their mouths. I love the precious moments my kids have, sitting and hearing stories of your presence in the past, and love the stories you are creating for the future. Lord, show my kids evidence of your activity in their lives today. May their eyes and ears be fully aware of your presence, and recognize the stories they have that give testimony to your Spirit’s work in their lives. Thank you, Lord, for the stories!
Monday, November 16, 2009
An Early Morning Reminder

Today’s verse: “My eyes will watch over them for their good, and I will bring them back to this land. I will build them up and not tear them down; I will plant them and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.” Jeremiah 24:6-7
At 4:30 AM this morning, I woke up in an overwhelming fog of deep grief. My son had died. As soon as I came out of my stupor, and realized that it was all just a dream, I pulled myself out of bed and traipsed down to his bedroom. I had this urge to hear him breathe and to gently kiss him on the forehead, reassuring myself that he truly was still alive. Oh, the sweetness of a sleeping child. Even at thirteen years of age!
It was a picture right out of a children’s book that my mother gave me when I was pregnant with my first child, and her first grandchild. In Love You Forever the mother, even until her son was grown, would pull him into her arms and say…
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.
Faced with the feeling of grief and loss this morning, at such an ungodly hour of my day, I was reminded that I have a God that loves my children more than I do, and He is in constant watch over them. The Holy Spirit is ever present, protecting, guiding, loving, and watching over His (and my) precious children. His eyes are so much bigger, and His arms so much stronger and wider, in offering protection. Unlike me, as their mother, He is present with them everywhere they go.
And in their presence, God is saying to my children...
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.
Lord, thank you for my beautiful children and the gift they are in my life. Thank you for watching over them and always being present with them. You are Emmanuel, God with us, and there is no where they can go to flee from your presence. Your hand is constantly near to guide them. Your eyes, Lord, are everywhere keeping watch over your sheep. Help me, to daily entrust their lives to you, believing that you have all their days planned, even before one of them came to be. I trust that your plan is one for good, and not harm, and they will forever be in the palms of your hands. Thank you Lord, for loving my children that much!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
God is Holy, Therefore Be Holy
Today’s verse: "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:14-16
God is holy. He is pure and free from defilement, idolatry, and unclean and profane things. God asks us to be holy; to be sacred or set apart. Holiness is who God is, but for us holiness is a continual process and something we should always in pursuing as children of God. Absolute holiness is for God alone, yet we are to reflect Him.
In life there are so many things that pull us away from the holiness that God desires for us. Daily we have decisions and choices to make that can either draw us closer to the life God wants us to live, or separate us further from His holiness. We are filled with signs of holiness when we seek Him through His Word, or spend time in prayer conversing with our Savior, and worship draws our hearts into His presence. With each moment in His presence we clothe ourselves to look a little more like Him.
However, holiness is gradually stripped from us when we walk in ways that don’t reflect Jesus. Speaking the Lord’s name in vain, listening to the wrong songs, watching movies showing immoral acts…the books we read, the friends we hang out with, or what we put in our bodies. All of these things can lead us further from the holiness He desires for our lives. He desires that we live sacred and set apart lives. Definitely a choice that takes discipline, effort, and prayer. It’s a daily, moment by moment, minute by minute, decision to live like Christ in holiness!
I pray that my children make the choice to live lives that are holy and pleasing to Him!
Lord, I am in awe of your holiness, and pray that, as your child, I live my life pursuing holiness. I also pray that prayer for my children. I pray that they will not conform to the evil desires of this world, and live in ignorance of you, but hear your voice calling them to live lives of holiness. In all they do, may they seek to live lives of purity, being set a part for you. May your Holy Spirit be their guide, opening their eyes and ears to the things that aren’t of you, and leading them down the path that follows you. Lord, make their hearts tender, and their minds wise to the call you have placed on their lives to be your children. Lord, clothe them with your righteousness and holiness, and may they reflect you all the days of their life! For this, I humbly pray.
God is holy. He is pure and free from defilement, idolatry, and unclean and profane things. God asks us to be holy; to be sacred or set apart. Holiness is who God is, but for us holiness is a continual process and something we should always in pursuing as children of God. Absolute holiness is for God alone, yet we are to reflect Him.
In life there are so many things that pull us away from the holiness that God desires for us. Daily we have decisions and choices to make that can either draw us closer to the life God wants us to live, or separate us further from His holiness. We are filled with signs of holiness when we seek Him through His Word, or spend time in prayer conversing with our Savior, and worship draws our hearts into His presence. With each moment in His presence we clothe ourselves to look a little more like Him.
However, holiness is gradually stripped from us when we walk in ways that don’t reflect Jesus. Speaking the Lord’s name in vain, listening to the wrong songs, watching movies showing immoral acts…the books we read, the friends we hang out with, or what we put in our bodies. All of these things can lead us further from the holiness He desires for our lives. He desires that we live sacred and set apart lives. Definitely a choice that takes discipline, effort, and prayer. It’s a daily, moment by moment, minute by minute, decision to live like Christ in holiness!
I pray that my children make the choice to live lives that are holy and pleasing to Him!
Lord, I am in awe of your holiness, and pray that, as your child, I live my life pursuing holiness. I also pray that prayer for my children. I pray that they will not conform to the evil desires of this world, and live in ignorance of you, but hear your voice calling them to live lives of holiness. In all they do, may they seek to live lives of purity, being set a part for you. May your Holy Spirit be their guide, opening their eyes and ears to the things that aren’t of you, and leading them down the path that follows you. Lord, make their hearts tender, and their minds wise to the call you have placed on their lives to be your children. Lord, clothe them with your righteousness and holiness, and may they reflect you all the days of their life! For this, I humbly pray.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
From Today Forward
Today’s verse: “For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.” Deuteronomy 30:16
When I began this blog, I committed Saturdays to pray for my kids’ salvation… “Salvation Saturdays”. My greatest desire in this life is to know that my kids have fallen in love with Jesus and are living their lives for Him. So, I’m going to keep on praying that their childhood decisions for Christ remain steadfast all the days of their lives!
One of the most glorious parts of being in ministry, is watching people on their journey to finding God. I love it when we get to be a part of people’s lives when they start to ask questions about God, and are seeking the answers to whatever it is that their souls are crying out for. These precious people come in all ages, and from many different life experiences that have shaped their thinking about God, but all needing the one thing that will fill the nagging emptiness in their lives. Some have waited a long time to meet Jesus, and have lived a lot of their lives missing out on the hope Christ can offer. How tragic to miss out on so much living with Him, but how beautiful to watch their new life begin.
I pray that my children fall more in love with Jesus today, so that they can enjoy each and every day of their lives in the precious presence of the Lord. May they not waste one day running after things that won’t give them eternal happiness. Today is the day of salvation!
Lord, thank you for the precious prayers that my kids have prayed when they were younger, asking you into their hearts. I long that they stand firm in those decisions all the days of their lives. I pray for the continued salvation of my children. May they decide today to live their entire lives for you. May they love you Lord, and walk in your ways, and keep your commands, decrees and laws. I pray that you will bless my children, O Lord, as they live for you, and love you with their hearts, minds and souls. Thank you for hearing the prayer of this mother’s heart.
When I began this blog, I committed Saturdays to pray for my kids’ salvation… “Salvation Saturdays”. My greatest desire in this life is to know that my kids have fallen in love with Jesus and are living their lives for Him. So, I’m going to keep on praying that their childhood decisions for Christ remain steadfast all the days of their lives!
One of the most glorious parts of being in ministry, is watching people on their journey to finding God. I love it when we get to be a part of people’s lives when they start to ask questions about God, and are seeking the answers to whatever it is that their souls are crying out for. These precious people come in all ages, and from many different life experiences that have shaped their thinking about God, but all needing the one thing that will fill the nagging emptiness in their lives. Some have waited a long time to meet Jesus, and have lived a lot of their lives missing out on the hope Christ can offer. How tragic to miss out on so much living with Him, but how beautiful to watch their new life begin.
I pray that my children fall more in love with Jesus today, so that they can enjoy each and every day of their lives in the precious presence of the Lord. May they not waste one day running after things that won’t give them eternal happiness. Today is the day of salvation!
Lord, thank you for the precious prayers that my kids have prayed when they were younger, asking you into their hearts. I long that they stand firm in those decisions all the days of their lives. I pray for the continued salvation of my children. May they decide today to live their entire lives for you. May they love you Lord, and walk in your ways, and keep your commands, decrees and laws. I pray that you will bless my children, O Lord, as they live for you, and love you with their hearts, minds and souls. Thank you for hearing the prayer of this mother’s heart.
Friday, November 13, 2009
In Between Sundays
Today’s verse: “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with a friend.” Exodus 33:11
My daughter has made some dear friends at our church. I’m so thankful that God blessed her with other girls who love the Lord too. What a gift they will treasure for a lifetime.
The one downfall, in Alyssa’s opinion, is that they live too far away and go to different schools, making getting together mostly a weekend affair. The summer provided more opportunities because their mom worked at the church a couple of days a week, but there was never enough time together. I’m thinking there would have never been enough time to say all they needed to say, and do what they wanted to do. That’s just how friends are.
The friends found fun ways to communicate with one another. I remember a notebook and gift bag that the moms passed back and forth when we’d run into each other. The girls would sometime pass back and forth gifts, borrowed items, and letters that they had written in the time the notebook was in their hands. Or the phase they went through where they left notes for one another in a medicine cabinet that they decorated in a bathroom in the church office. I don’t think anyone was supposed to know this…ssshhhhh. Communication with one another was so important, and they were creative in finding ways to stay connected in between Sundays.
My prayer, for my kids, is that they make the same effort to have chats with God, who is truly the best friend that they will ever have. Just like the girls, God wants to communicate and share moments with His friends in between Sundays at church. Friendship is built when there are conversations together and time in each other’s presence, and the same is true in our relationship God.
Dear children, have a chat with God daily. It’s the times in between Sundays, where your friendship with Him is enriched. God will truly be your very best friend!
Lord, what an amazing thought that you want to speak to us as one would speak to his friend. What better friend is there? You are always present with us, you love us just the way we are, and you are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You are faithful, trustworthy, and always present. You are slow to anger, abounding in love, and forgive our sins and rebellion. What a friend you are, Dear Lord. I pray that my kids find the rich treasure of a friendship with you! May they fall in love with you, sense your constant presence, and speak to you as one would speak to their best friend. Your friendship will be the greatest gift of their lives!
My daughter has made some dear friends at our church. I’m so thankful that God blessed her with other girls who love the Lord too. What a gift they will treasure for a lifetime.
The one downfall, in Alyssa’s opinion, is that they live too far away and go to different schools, making getting together mostly a weekend affair. The summer provided more opportunities because their mom worked at the church a couple of days a week, but there was never enough time together. I’m thinking there would have never been enough time to say all they needed to say, and do what they wanted to do. That’s just how friends are.
The friends found fun ways to communicate with one another. I remember a notebook and gift bag that the moms passed back and forth when we’d run into each other. The girls would sometime pass back and forth gifts, borrowed items, and letters that they had written in the time the notebook was in their hands. Or the phase they went through where they left notes for one another in a medicine cabinet that they decorated in a bathroom in the church office. I don’t think anyone was supposed to know this…ssshhhhh. Communication with one another was so important, and they were creative in finding ways to stay connected in between Sundays.
My prayer, for my kids, is that they make the same effort to have chats with God, who is truly the best friend that they will ever have. Just like the girls, God wants to communicate and share moments with His friends in between Sundays at church. Friendship is built when there are conversations together and time in each other’s presence, and the same is true in our relationship God.
Dear children, have a chat with God daily. It’s the times in between Sundays, where your friendship with Him is enriched. God will truly be your very best friend!
Lord, what an amazing thought that you want to speak to us as one would speak to his friend. What better friend is there? You are always present with us, you love us just the way we are, and you are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You are faithful, trustworthy, and always present. You are slow to anger, abounding in love, and forgive our sins and rebellion. What a friend you are, Dear Lord. I pray that my kids find the rich treasure of a friendship with you! May they fall in love with you, sense your constant presence, and speak to you as one would speak to their best friend. Your friendship will be the greatest gift of their lives!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thankful Thursday: A Family Filled with Joy
This summer was one that I think our family will always remember. We had 12 weeks of togetherness. We give God thanks for our church giving us time away from ministry to be renewed and refreshed, and make some family memories that will last a lifetime.
- We will remember our time sitting by the pool, swimming with dolphins, and visiting Chichen Itza, with Papa and Grammy in Mexico.
- We braved the bus system so we could visit Pike’s Market, the Seattle Aquarium, and watch the Seattle Mariners play ball.
- We watched Dad put a hole in the wall in the bonus room, and make us a beautiful new entertainment center.
- The kids went to church camp.
- We survived a hot day by floating in our inner tubes, and trying to catch minnows, at a nearby state park.
- Kyle won a State Championship in baseball.
- We enjoyed a trip to Salt Lake City where we braved the scary rides at Lagoon, and fell in love with the new baby giraffe at the Hogle Zoo.
- We soaked in God's creation in the mountains at a friends cabin. Pure bliss.
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Ps. 126:3
I'm praying for continued moments of joy with my family. The kids are getting older, and before we know it they will off to college, and having families of their own. I hope that they will look on the days of their childhood with a smile, believing that God has indeed done great things!
I know that I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart!
Lord, thank you for the great things you have done for our family! Thank you for the precious gift of family time this summer. So many memories that we will look back at and remember with joy. Lord, I ask for continued special moments with my children, especially as they grow older, that will bring abundant laughter, unity, and love. When they look on their lives in our home, may they find themselves filled with joy! You have given me a precious husband, and great kids, and together we find tremendous joy together. May we always reflect you, and be careful to give you praise for such a priceless gift. We are filled with abundant joy!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Breakthrough in Honesty
Today’s verse: “May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.” Psalm 25:21 (NLT)
Three weeks ago we had a bad day in our house. It was a day we won’t soon forget.
One of our children broke our fairly new flat screen television. Goofing off with an empty plastic bottle ended in disaster. The following YouTube video gives you a little idea of what happens when something makes contact with a flat screen tv.
There were many lessons learned that day, and we will all remember for many years to come, the fear, regret, anger, and disappointment we felt. The thing I was most proud of, however, was the immediate honesty that came when the accident happened. The hardest thing to do, when we make a mistake, is to be honest and confess our faults. With sincere remorse and concern, my child showed integrity and honesty in a moment where it was probably pretty hard to do.
May my children always strive to live with integrity and honesty, putting their hope in God to help them when it seems that it’s the most difficult path to take.
Lord, I pray that integrity and honesty is always a part of the fabric of my children’s lives. Holy Spirit, guide and lead them into living lives that please you. May honesty be forever on their lips. Give them the strength when it seems to be the hard thing to do, and peace when fear tempts them to walk the other way. Lord, I pray that they will find your protection, when they choose honesty and integrity. May they always put their hope in you. Honesty and integrity are trademarks that I pray they wear with pride.
Three weeks ago we had a bad day in our house. It was a day we won’t soon forget.
One of our children broke our fairly new flat screen television. Goofing off with an empty plastic bottle ended in disaster. The following YouTube video gives you a little idea of what happens when something makes contact with a flat screen tv.
There were many lessons learned that day, and we will all remember for many years to come, the fear, regret, anger, and disappointment we felt. The thing I was most proud of, however, was the immediate honesty that came when the accident happened. The hardest thing to do, when we make a mistake, is to be honest and confess our faults. With sincere remorse and concern, my child showed integrity and honesty in a moment where it was probably pretty hard to do.
May my children always strive to live with integrity and honesty, putting their hope in God to help them when it seems that it’s the most difficult path to take.
“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” William Shakespeare
Lord, I pray that integrity and honesty is always a part of the fabric of my children’s lives. Holy Spirit, guide and lead them into living lives that please you. May honesty be forever on their lips. Give them the strength when it seems to be the hard thing to do, and peace when fear tempts them to walk the other way. Lord, I pray that they will find your protection, when they choose honesty and integrity. May they always put their hope in you. Honesty and integrity are trademarks that I pray they wear with pride.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Be Encouragers!
Today’s verse: “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” Philippians 2:1-2
This world is full of encouragers, and discouragers. It’s the encouragers in our life that brighten our days, help us carry our loads, and give us reason to smile.
When my kids were babies, we didn’t live around grandparents, and so there was an older couple in our church who became surrogate grandparents to Alyssa and Kyle. They were great encouragers to us young parents. Every Monday night they watched our kids, whether we had plans or not. They showered them with love, time, and even gifts. A couple of weeks ago, the man who showered a grandpa kind-of-love on my babies, went home to be with the Lord. I pray they both knew what a blessing they were in that season of our lives.
Today, I find myself encouraged by a woman in our church who often speaks words of affirmation, thoughtfulness, and blessing to me. She is always showering our family with kindness, in ways that always surprise me and brings a smile to our faces. She uses her words to build up, and her actions to bless. What a gift she is in my life.
My prayer today is that my children grow up to BE encouragers to the people around them, and HAVE encouragers in their life who will bless them in powerful ways. I pray that they can be built-up by other people’s words and actions, in such a way that it draws them closer to the Lord, and meets their deepest needs for affirmation. I also pray that they be encouragers, and use the words of their mouth to bless rather than curse. May they help brighten other people’s days, help carry their loads, and give them a reason to smile. We all need encouragers in our lives.
Words, and actions, have a powerful impact on people’s lives, and our world needs more encouragers. Give God thanks for the encourager in your life, and ask Him to show you someone who needs your encouragement today. Go and shine Jesus!
Lord, thank you for the encouragers you’ve placed in my life, over and over again. I am always amazed by their thoughtfulness, and how it reaches the depths of my heart. When I need encouragement the most, you have placed someone in my life to remind me of your love. I see you shining in and through these people’s lives. Lord, place these kind of encouragers in my children’s lives as well. People who remind them that they are loved, friends who are with them when times are hard, and individuals who help them smile, bring them joy, and give light in their dark days. In turn, because you are living in their lives, and because they have received encouragement from others, help them to become strong encouragers that shine You. Help them to realize the power of their words and actions, to bless or to harm. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle grow hearts that thrive in encouraging others.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday Homework Blues

Are there any other parents out there that hate homework? Or am I the only one? I had a friend recently who asked my why, and I wasn’t sure of the answer. Now, as we’ve gotten further into the school year, I am reminded clearly of why it makes me cringe.
My children have a tendency to procrastinate on getting their homework done. They wait until they are down to the wire, and then in a rush or panic, they try to get things done in a timely manner. Often with it comes impatience, frustration, irritability, and sometimes disrespect. It makes for fun times around our household. Sunday afternoon or evening are spent making a mad dash to finish all that is due for Monday. Thursday nights are marked by the rush of completing projects known about since the beginning of the week. All of a sudden the stress level jumps, and it makes for cranky kids, and cranky parents.
“If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard,
just keep putting off doing it.” ~ Olin Miller
just keep putting off doing it.” ~ Olin Miller
So, I pray that God either stops the madness of teachers giving homework, or cure my children of their procrastinating tendencies! Oh, what joy that would bring to this mother’s heart. Of course, maybe they learned the art of procrastination from their mother. I guess I’ll pray about that tomorrow.
Lord, this is the day that you have made, and I rejoice in it! Whether it holds homework or not, I will rejoice. You have designs for this day, and things that will be required of my children and I. I pray that we each will be faithful to do whatever we need to do in a timely manner. Help us to not put off the important things of this day, but be responsible to keep our commitments, do our work, and follow through to the best of our abilities. May we choose to do the hard things first, and enjoy the ease of the simpler jobs. After working hard, may we find your joy, peace, and even laughter together in the freedom of having the priorities completed. Lord, teach us to be about the important things first, and stop the madness of procrastination. Let us rejoice in each moment of this day!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
God of Compassion
God is compassion, and breathes compassion, and He calls us to wardrobe ourselves with compassion as well. He lives to shower love on the unlovely, give hope to the hopeless, and mend the broken hearted, and we have the opportunity to be His hands and feet. Our world is crying for compassion.
There is nothing more fun than watching God do a work in your child’s life. I’ve had glimpses of compassion growing in my daughter’s heart, and know it’s because of God’s presence is living in her and speaking to her. A few times in the recent months she has heard of families that are struggling in their marriages, and she comes to me and asks me to offer her babysitting services. By watching their kids, she is helping them to either meet with us, as pastors, to talk about their marriage, or to be able to go out on a date together. She is showing compassion for hurting families.
The compassion of Christ is moving her to help the helpless. I see Christ living in her. Oh, what a blessing to watch!
Lord, you are a compassionate God. You are in the business of making things right, and taking the side of the helpless. Even when I was “at the end of my rope” you saved me. Our world is full of people who are at the end of their ropes, and need an abundance of compassion and mercy. Lord, as you live in me, and as you live in my children, may your compassion be evident in our words and actions. May we sense your heartbeat for the lost, the hurting, and the unlovely, and spread your mercy and compassion to those we meet. I pray that others see you living in us, as we become your hands and feet. Lord, compassion marks your life, may it mark ours as well.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Craving Pure Spiritual Milk

Today’s verse: “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:2-3
Oh man! I just went to pour myself a cup of coffee, and found the Peppermint Mocha creamer nearly empty. I am not a huge coffee drinker, but when I do I like it showered with something sweet. I’m out of luck today on having my coffee because my teenage daughter has decided she really likes my creamer too.
Alyssa likes to “doctor” all of her milk, which I guess is better than not drinking any milk at all, but how healthy is it really when it’s mixed with chocolate, strawberry, chai, or peppermint mocha creamer? Will she just ever crave the taste of ice-cold milk. There’s nothing better with a hot chocolate chip cookie, or with a piece of rich chocolate cake. Aaahhhhh, I can taste it now…the milk that is.
It’s a reminder to me today, to pray that my children crave pure spiritual milk. As babies, the milk that they drank provided them with all the nutrients they needed for growth, and for healthy lives. They didn’t require all the other yummy food. It wasn’t doctored with sweet foo-foo stuff. Similarly, their spiritual lives need the nutrients found only in God’s Word, in order to grow in the salvation they have received. The foo-foo stuff of Christian books, movies, music, and even teaching from others is good, but the pure spiritual milk is found in the moments we spend drinking in God’s Word.
Really taste and see that the Lord is good, my children! Crave the real stuff! Drink up His Word!
Lord, I have tasted and have seen that you are good! There is nothing in this world that is as satisfying to our deepest needs as you are. I pray that my children taste and see that you are good. I pray that they accept your gift of salvation, and live their lives nourishing their souls with what you can give. Lord, instill in them a craving for pure spiritual milk. May they hunger and thirst for righteousness. Your Word holds all the key nutrients they need for a healthy spiritual life, and I pray that they fall in love with devouring, digesting, and chewing over the precious spiritual milk you’ve given each of them. Lord, I pray that they always crave the good things you have to offer, and pass by the junk food that is so easily available and acceptable. Build in them the discernment to know what is best for their spiritual bodies. May they crave only You all the days of their lives, the real and pure spiritual milk!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Speaking to my Kids Loud and Clear!
Today’s verse: “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs…Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:1-2, 4
Last night I felt like a good parent. I also felt “old”, but a good parent nonetheless. Ken and I braved going to a Skillet concert with our kids and their friends. Partly it was in celebration of Kyle’s birthday, and partly it was because they love the music of Skillet and Hawk Nelson.
My one word to describe the concert was LOUD. The first two opening bands were ones that I hadn’t heard of before and were so loud that I think I went into shock. Ha! Can something be so loud that you can’t hear it? Who knows what they were singing about. The last two bands I was a bit more familiar with. I’ve had to become aware of them because that is what my kids love to listen to in the car. No more Casting Crowns, Point of Grace, and Phillips, Craig & Dean…yes, I’ve become old.
As I sat there last night, around a bunch of other “old” people enjoying the concert, my heart was moved to be thankful. These Christian bands are what my kids enjoy, and though I can’t understand a word they are saying, my kids can, and they are hearing a message of hope. God is in the music, whether I can understand it or not, and if this draws them to Christ and keeps them attracted to hanging with other believers, then I’m all for it!
Yes, I’ve become old (and I’m feeling it after a late night at the concert), but thanking God today that He’s continuing to reach out and speak to my kids. Loud and clear!
Lord, thank you for the reminder that you are seeking out a relationship with the youth of today, my kids included. Thank you for others that are living their lives for you, and spending their lives sharing your transforming possibilities to the lost world around them. Lord, you are in the business of changing lives, speaking to the hurts and needs that are so prevalent in your people, and showing your love in profound ways. Lord, I thank you for people who are your servants, and in their ministry are impacting my children’s lives for you. Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, camp counselors, friends…and even loud rock band kinda people…have been perfectly placed in my kids lives to draw them closer to you. So much to give you praise for! Lord, thank you for shining so brightly in other people that my kids can’t help but see you!
Last night I felt like a good parent. I also felt “old”, but a good parent nonetheless. Ken and I braved going to a Skillet concert with our kids and their friends. Partly it was in celebration of Kyle’s birthday, and partly it was because they love the music of Skillet and Hawk Nelson.
My one word to describe the concert was LOUD. The first two opening bands were ones that I hadn’t heard of before and were so loud that I think I went into shock. Ha! Can something be so loud that you can’t hear it? Who knows what they were singing about. The last two bands I was a bit more familiar with. I’ve had to become aware of them because that is what my kids love to listen to in the car. No more Casting Crowns, Point of Grace, and Phillips, Craig & Dean…yes, I’ve become old.
As I sat there last night, around a bunch of other “old” people enjoying the concert, my heart was moved to be thankful. These Christian bands are what my kids enjoy, and though I can’t understand a word they are saying, my kids can, and they are hearing a message of hope. God is in the music, whether I can understand it or not, and if this draws them to Christ and keeps them attracted to hanging with other believers, then I’m all for it!
Yes, I’ve become old (and I’m feeling it after a late night at the concert), but thanking God today that He’s continuing to reach out and speak to my kids. Loud and clear!
Lord, thank you for the reminder that you are seeking out a relationship with the youth of today, my kids included. Thank you for others that are living their lives for you, and spending their lives sharing your transforming possibilities to the lost world around them. Lord, you are in the business of changing lives, speaking to the hurts and needs that are so prevalent in your people, and showing your love in profound ways. Lord, I thank you for people who are your servants, and in their ministry are impacting my children’s lives for you. Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, camp counselors, friends…and even loud rock band kinda people…have been perfectly placed in my kids lives to draw them closer to you. So much to give you praise for! Lord, thank you for shining so brightly in other people that my kids can’t help but see you!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thankful Thursday: My Son
Happy Birthday, to my precious son, Kyle! Thirteen years ago today, you entered this world and began your journey of becoming the man God wants you to be! You brought a smile to our face from the moment we set our eyes on you.

I want to say “thank you” to God for...
- your desire to know Him more
- your gentle spirit and kind heart
- your sense of humor and contagious smile
- your discipline in keeping up your grades, and doing your best at school
- your desire to keep your room organized
- your striving to do your best in everything
- your determination in saving money and purchasing your own things
- your good sportsmanship whether you win or loose
- your loyalty to your friends
- your creativity when it comes to legos, drawing, and writing
- your respect for your teachers, youth leaders, and coaches
Happy Birthday, my dear son!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pure and Blameless
Today’s verse: “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11
In my Bible, Philippians 1:9-11 is marked with my children’s names and the year 1999. As their mother, this verse was one of the prayers of my heart for my little ones. I don’t remember the specific circumstances of finding this verse, but I know that God gave it to me and I have prayed it over and over, claiming its truth for my kids. Today, I pray it again.
Lord, I lift before you my daughter Alyssa, and my son Kyle. My prayer for them is that they continue to grow in their knowledge of you. To understand all the facets of your character; your faithfulness, steadfastness, trustworthiness, and holiness, and how it impacts their lives. I pray that they continue studying, and digging deep in your Word, and planting Scriptures in their heart. As Alyssa and Kyle get to know you better, I pray that they are able to discern right from wrong, when you are speaking to them, and what you’re calling them to do and be. Keep them both pure and blameless with their words, thoughts, and actions. Lord, fill them with the desire for right-living in you. May their lives reflect your holiness and bring glory and praise to you, precious Father, each and every day.
In my Bible, Philippians 1:9-11 is marked with my children’s names and the year 1999. As their mother, this verse was one of the prayers of my heart for my little ones. I don’t remember the specific circumstances of finding this verse, but I know that God gave it to me and I have prayed it over and over, claiming its truth for my kids. Today, I pray it again.
Lord, I lift before you my daughter Alyssa, and my son Kyle. My prayer for them is that they continue to grow in their knowledge of you. To understand all the facets of your character; your faithfulness, steadfastness, trustworthiness, and holiness, and how it impacts their lives. I pray that they continue studying, and digging deep in your Word, and planting Scriptures in their heart. As Alyssa and Kyle get to know you better, I pray that they are able to discern right from wrong, when you are speaking to them, and what you’re calling them to do and be. Keep them both pure and blameless with their words, thoughts, and actions. Lord, fill them with the desire for right-living in you. May their lives reflect your holiness and bring glory and praise to you, precious Father, each and every day.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Cartoon Lessons
Today’s Verse: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
When my kids were about three and five years old, we had to ban a couple of movies from our household. They were rated “G”, they were animated, and they were made for kids…just not for my kids.
I first became aware of the negative impact that “The 101 Dalmatians” was having on my kids, when one day I found my little three-year old son jumping on the bed. As I peeked into his room, and reminded him that we don’t jump on the bed, he exclaimed “you idiot”. Cruella deVil used this term often, in the movie, to harass her henchmen Horace and Jasper, when she wasn’t impressed by their stupidity. This mom did not like her sweet little boy using that word, or treating his sister as if she was Horace or Jasper, and so “The 101 Dalmatians” immediately disappeared from our movie collection.

Around that same time, I began to notice that Alyssa and Kyle would break out into fighting, hauling out their “claws”, when they would watch “Land Before Time II”. Oh this series of movies were their favorite and kept them entertained for hours! However, in this particular movie there are a couple of “menacing egg snatchers” who were reeking havoc for Little Foot and his friends. Soon these egg-snatchers were also reeking havoc for me, as my children began acting exactly like these mean and fighting creatures. That movie was soon banned from our movie collection as well.
My kids were younger then, and the things they came across were a bit more innocent than the things that they come across now, as they are teenagers, but the principle is still the same. What they see, or watch, or hear truly has an impact on their heart and mind, and sometimes even their behavior. As a parent however, it was a whole lot easier to control their intake when they were younger. On a daily basis my kids are being bombarded by foul language, immoral acts, anger, lust, envy, or betrayal…the list going on and on. Not just on the television, but in the music they hear, the books they read, or in the friends they hang out with. There’s no way that I can be every where, all the time, watching over what their eyes see, their ears hear, or where their feet take them.
The One I trust in, however, is with them every moment of every day. I pray that they learn to sense His presence with them, and when things don’t line up with His holiness, that they will be moved to make right decisions that keep their minds steadfast on Him. Lord, may the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart be pleasing in your sight!
Lord, may your Spirit be ever near my children, as their Protector and Guide. I pray that they sense your presence in clear ways, when they come across movies, music, friends, or activities that don’t reflect your holiness. May they hear your Spirit speaking to them, when they need to walk away, or make different choices. I pray Lord, that my children’s hearts beat after your heart, and their minds reflect your mind, because they have spent time in your presence. May the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts be pleasing in your sight, reflecting you in everything they say and do. Lord, you are their Rock and Redeemer!
When my kids were about three and five years old, we had to ban a couple of movies from our household. They were rated “G”, they were animated, and they were made for kids…just not for my kids.
I first became aware of the negative impact that “The 101 Dalmatians” was having on my kids, when one day I found my little three-year old son jumping on the bed. As I peeked into his room, and reminded him that we don’t jump on the bed, he exclaimed “you idiot”. Cruella deVil used this term often, in the movie, to harass her henchmen Horace and Jasper, when she wasn’t impressed by their stupidity. This mom did not like her sweet little boy using that word, or treating his sister as if she was Horace or Jasper, and so “The 101 Dalmatians” immediately disappeared from our movie collection.

Around that same time, I began to notice that Alyssa and Kyle would break out into fighting, hauling out their “claws”, when they would watch “Land Before Time II”. Oh this series of movies were their favorite and kept them entertained for hours! However, in this particular movie there are a couple of “menacing egg snatchers” who were reeking havoc for Little Foot and his friends. Soon these egg-snatchers were also reeking havoc for me, as my children began acting exactly like these mean and fighting creatures. That movie was soon banned from our movie collection as well.

The One I trust in, however, is with them every moment of every day. I pray that they learn to sense His presence with them, and when things don’t line up with His holiness, that they will be moved to make right decisions that keep their minds steadfast on Him. Lord, may the words of their mouth and the meditation of their heart be pleasing in your sight!
Lord, may your Spirit be ever near my children, as their Protector and Guide. I pray that they sense your presence in clear ways, when they come across movies, music, friends, or activities that don’t reflect your holiness. May they hear your Spirit speaking to them, when they need to walk away, or make different choices. I pray Lord, that my children’s hearts beat after your heart, and their minds reflect your mind, because they have spent time in your presence. May the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts be pleasing in your sight, reflecting you in everything they say and do. Lord, you are their Rock and Redeemer!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Scaling Walls
Today’s Verse: "With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” 2 Samuel 22:30
“With my God I can scale a wall!” My mantra today as I’ve rewritten today’s blog, over and over again. On paper, in my head, and on my computer, the words have failed to come easily the last two days. It’s funny how my thoughts flow so easily some days, and so slow on others. So, I’m trusting the lesson God has placed on my heart for today, but sometimes climbing the wall is hard work when you can’t see exactly how to get to the top.
God gave me this verse on a particular day last November, when He knew that I would need the assurance that I could do whatever He called me to do. I love it when His Word speaks in such powerful and personal ways. Ken was away in Morocco for 11 days, and I was left to hold down the fort here at home. The single parenting ended up being the easy part of what God had in store for me while he was gone. While he was away, our church family faced 2 family members dying, and I was asked to go pray with them in their final moments of life. I’d never even gone with Ken on these calls before, to see what to do and say, and here I was being sent out to be a minister to these people in their greatest time of need. Fear coursed through me, as I worried about my inadequacy and inexperience. Then I was reminded that “with my God I can scale a wall.” Repeating that verse, over and over again all the way to the hospital gave me the courage to face my fears and allow God to help me accomplish what I couldn’t do on my own. At the close of each visit, I felt like I had scaled a wall.
I don’t know what “walls” my kids will have to face today as they head to school, but I know that God is with them, helping them climb to the top. Where tasks are too hard, I pray that God gives them the tenacity to work it through and find success. If their friendships seem to hit a detour, or hit a bump in the road, I pray that God is with them, filling them with wisdom, peace, and strength. When fear creeps into their hearts, I pray that they are reminded that with God, they can do all things.
Scaling walls is hard work, but with God, all things are possible! Grab a hold of Him, dear ones, and depend on His safety and strength to get you to the top of the wall.
Lord, with you we can scale walls. What a promise to hold onto when the walls seem too high or too hard! Your Word is full of reminders of your faithfulness, your help, and your strength. I pray that my children know the reality of those truths in their lives, and have learned that with you all things are possible. Remind them that they can do all things through you who gives them strength. Lord, when they are aware of the walls before them, may they know whom to look to for help, and may they sense your presence near them in real and precious ways. Lord, speak reassurances into their hearts, ears and minds, that remind them of your love, your help, and your peace. Teach them that they can scale any wall with you by their side. No wall is impossible to scale with you as the guide!

God gave me this verse on a particular day last November, when He knew that I would need the assurance that I could do whatever He called me to do. I love it when His Word speaks in such powerful and personal ways. Ken was away in Morocco for 11 days, and I was left to hold down the fort here at home. The single parenting ended up being the easy part of what God had in store for me while he was gone. While he was away, our church family faced 2 family members dying, and I was asked to go pray with them in their final moments of life. I’d never even gone with Ken on these calls before, to see what to do and say, and here I was being sent out to be a minister to these people in their greatest time of need. Fear coursed through me, as I worried about my inadequacy and inexperience. Then I was reminded that “with my God I can scale a wall.” Repeating that verse, over and over again all the way to the hospital gave me the courage to face my fears and allow God to help me accomplish what I couldn’t do on my own. At the close of each visit, I felt like I had scaled a wall.
I don’t know what “walls” my kids will have to face today as they head to school, but I know that God is with them, helping them climb to the top. Where tasks are too hard, I pray that God gives them the tenacity to work it through and find success. If their friendships seem to hit a detour, or hit a bump in the road, I pray that God is with them, filling them with wisdom, peace, and strength. When fear creeps into their hearts, I pray that they are reminded that with God, they can do all things.
Scaling walls is hard work, but with God, all things are possible! Grab a hold of Him, dear ones, and depend on His safety and strength to get you to the top of the wall.
Lord, with you we can scale walls. What a promise to hold onto when the walls seem too high or too hard! Your Word is full of reminders of your faithfulness, your help, and your strength. I pray that my children know the reality of those truths in their lives, and have learned that with you all things are possible. Remind them that they can do all things through you who gives them strength. Lord, when they are aware of the walls before them, may they know whom to look to for help, and may they sense your presence near them in real and precious ways. Lord, speak reassurances into their hearts, ears and minds, that remind them of your love, your help, and your peace. Teach them that they can scale any wall with you by their side. No wall is impossible to scale with you as the guide!
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