21 years ago today I married my best friend!
God gave me the gift of a wonderful man...
who loves me,
forgives me,
romances me,
works hard,
lives well,
and presses on.
God has been with us each step of the way...
Being our provision
our protection,
and strength.
We are celebrating 21 years,
because of Him!
I love you, dear hubby of mine!
Happy Anniversary!
Lord, thank you for giving me such a wonderful man, and helping us through 21 years of marriage. Thank you for being the center of our lives, and for providing strength, unity, healing and joy throughout the many months and days we have been together. Continue to draw us closer together and deeper in love, building our marriage into something that cannot be broken. Lord, use our marriage to be an example to our children. Help them to see that relationships are worth the hard work it takes to sustain and grow through difficult times. Continue, Lord, to guide Alyssa and Kyle to mates who will be their best friends and stick through the thick and thin with them, following your plan for their lives. Marriage can be a wonderful gift, and blossoms in beautiful ways when you are part of the equation. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves, and a cord of three strands is not easily broken. Father, thank you for being with us and blessing us with 21 years of marriage. We look forward to watching your hand at work through the next 21 years.

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