Birthday Buddies...2000
I just have to share something that gave me a little chuckle last week. Kids say the funniest things sometimes (even as teenagers!), and both our kids have a wonderful sense of humor. Sometimes it just catches me off guard.
I had a friend who asked me to share with her the books we have used to share about puberty and sex with Kyle, because she is thinking it's time to start having those conversations with her own son. Well, I thought I would ask Kyle where his book was at dinner, but I put a twist on the question. trying to get a smile. Who knew that the smile would come from me.
"Kyle, I have a mom friend who is going to tell her son about puberty and sex, and she wanted me to ask you your opinion on what she should tell him."
Without hardly a blink of an eye, he says "Have fun!"
Oh we all busted a gut laughing.
I'm guessing he meant his response to be "Have fun having the sex talk", but to us it came out a whole different way. What a funny guy!
I do pray for the marriages of our children. I long for them to find spouses who love the Lord, who cherish them deeply, and will work hard to have happy, thriving, blessed marriages. And "having fun" will be a plus too!
Lord, thank you for the humor you've gifted our children with, and how they just make me laugh sometimes. But more than that, thank you for having a wonderful plan for our children's future. You have spouses planned who will be a perfect match for Alyssa and Kyle, and will be their best friend, confidant, and encourager. Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to hold high standards and values for the partner that they are looking for, and remain firm to qualities that reflect you. Lord, prepare them to be wonderful marriage partners themselves. May they be spouses who work hard, listen intently, sacrifice abundantly, love deeply, and forgive easily. Thank you, Lord, for the plan you have for Alyssa and Kyle, and for the joy you have in store for their lives!

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