I was reminded today how important it is that we watch our words. A little remark can mar a moment. A tiny tease can tear at one's heart. Lies, exaggerations, gossip, taunting, and complaints can remain imprinted on the inside for a very long time.
Oh, please be careful little mouth's what you say!
"A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles." (A Chinese Proverb)
Lord, set a guard over our children's mouths, and keep watch over the door of their lips. Teach them to use their words to build up, and not tear down the inner being of others. Bind their mouths from words that leave scars, or damage friendships, and doesn't reflect on who is the child of the King. Caution their hearts, dear Holy Spirit, when they begin to speak words that could hurt others. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle learn to use their words to encourage, strengthen, and bless others...even each other. I hope that they learn to allow words of kindness to flow freely from their lips. And with every word of encouragement, may they show the world, you living in their lives. May the words of their mouths, and the meditation of their hearts be pleasing to you, dear Jesus!

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