God has asked me to do some hard things in my life. Things that I've dragged my feet on. In those moments I have loved the fact that I've heard Him speak to me, yet at the same time my feelings or fears get in the way, and I almost want to hear Him say it again so I know that I heard Him right. Oh, my silly humanness. What I've learned through all of that, however, is that God blesses me in abundant ways when I'm willing to be obedient.
Kyle's birthday party...2004..."The Incredibles"
(Kyle wasn't so happy about me wanting to take this picture!)
"Our Lord knows perfectly well that once His word is truly heard, it will bear fruit sooner or later. What is so terrible is that some of us prevent His words from bearing fruit in our present life. I wonder what we will say when we finally make up our minds to be devoted to Him on that particular point? One thing is certain— He will never throw our past failures back in our faces." Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, August 17
I wonder what kind of things God is going to ask my kids to do, and what sort of response they will give Him. Will they choose obedience? Or maybe waffle in indecision and fear? As babies, one of their first words was "NO." (Not "no", but "NOOO!!") I'm praying that as they become adults, and mature in their faith, that their automatic response will be obedience. Oh "YES, Lord!"
What INCREDIBLE blessing is theirs when they choose to obey Him!
Lord, I pray that our children will always follow wherever you lead, and go everywhere you call them to go. I long to see Alyssa and Kyle obedient in all that you ask of them, whether it be big or small. Open their ears so that they can hear your calling clearly. Give their feet a boldness to step out in faith and follow your leading despite any fear, doubts, or reservations. Lord, may obedience always be our children's natural response to you. When saying "yes" takes sacrifice, give them added strength and blessing. When saying "yes" brings fear, allow peace to reign in the midst of following your leading. Obedience will ultimately bring great reward as they live in the direct center of your will. Thank you, Lord, for loving our children so much, that you'll continue to prod them to obedience, lovingly speak your hopes and plans into their lives, and will forgive them if they choose to go the wrong way. Help make obedience become a natural outpouring of their relationship with you, dear Jesus.

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