Last night our family had some drama. We rode or bikes to the neighborhood McDonalds for an ice cream cone, came out 10 minutes later, and Kyle's bike was missing. What a feeling of violation.
Ken went riding around on his bike to see if he could catch the culprit, and Kyle and I stayed behind to call the police. I'm so thankful for their quick response despite such a little thing like a bike. We filed a report, and the police was able to check out surveillance footage, and get a great description of the guilty party (or "punk" as Ken would say). Too make a long story short, Dad happened to find the bike as he took one more look along the ditch next to the McDonalds before heading home. God is good.
Not the greatest pic but...Kyle after the return of his bike!
In the hour that this whole episode took place, I found my thoughts reeling and disturbed that someone had enough gall to take another person's belongings. Sure, he didn't know that Kyle had just bought the bike four days ago with his very own money. Nor did he know Kyle himself, and how young he is, and what a nice kid he is. But he didn't even give a thought about how it would make someone feel to come out and find their bike gone. No care in the world about anyone else.
Stealing wouldn't even be a temptation or thought if one really took God's command to "love your neighbor as yourself" seriously. Better yet, this world would be different in so many ways if we all lived by God's greatest hope for His children...
'Love others as well as you love yourself.' (The Message)
It's not always easy, but what peace and joy God will bring our lives, if we follow His motto for life.
Lord, loving our neighbors isn't always easy, and on the top of our list of things to do. I pray, that the lesson we learned last night, will remind our kids how their actions have impact on others besides themselves. I want them to think of others more highly than themselves. Stealing, lying, gossip, pride, and anger can all damage another person's heart. Holy Spirit, move our children to love their neighbors, and when they are tempted to do otherwise, prompt them to think twice and check their actions or thoughts. Lord, love comes from you, and reflects your presence in our lives. Help us to love deeply, because you love deeply.

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