Alyssa loves a nice cold root beer from McDonalds. I think she could drink one of those morning, noon and night. Lucky for us they have been on sale over the last month, any size for $1.00, and she is even willing to pay for quenching her thirst. However, this small addiction is going to have to come an end for a while.
As of today, Lyssa is on the varsity volleyball team at her school. (Yeah!) One of the rules, now that she is on the team, is that she can't have any soda during the volleyball season. She's been agonizing over this upcoming "soda fast" for a couple of weeks. She's even talked her dad, Mr. Diet Coke Addict, into joining her on this journey. Oh the two will be a pair.
It just reminded me of a really good prayer for today. Next to my children's salvation, praying for their hunger and thirst for God's Word is on top of the list. I want them to find that scripture will satisfy in deeper, and more powerful ways, than the soda they thirst for. I want them to "taste and see that it is good", and crave that which is even "sweeter than honey."
God's Word really satisfies!
O Lord, how I want our children to hunger and thirst for Your Word. You give us your Word so that we can know you in deeper ways, and so that you can speak to your children. Your Word is living and active, and always speaks to our condition. Lord, put within Alyssa and Kyle a desire to dig deep into Scripture and get to know you more. Holy Spirit, open their eyes so that when they sit down and spend time reading your laws, your wisdom, or your plans, they meet your truth head on and understand the power of you in their lives. Your Word is a gift, dear Jesus, and I pray that my children find joy when they unwrap this beautiful treasure, one page at a time.

1 comment:
As usual, you inspire and encourage me!! This is also my desire for Cade...thank you for putting it into words for me! I'll pray this for him ;) Hugs ~ Shel
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