Tis the season for the county fair. As a parent, I've kind of avoided taking my children there over the years. However, now they are teenagers, and all their friends are inviting them to go. Kyle says he needs $30 to get in and have unlimited ride potential...and that doesn't even include any food. Then a few minutes later Alyssa says she's wants to go too. What a money pit the fair is.
Some days it feels like I need a better paying job.
$100 here, $100 there...clothes, sports fees, school supplies, and the list goes on and on.
It's not fun to have to tell our kids that we can't afford all their whims and desires, but it's one of the facts of life. It provides opportunities to talk about budgets, debt, and wants versus needs. I want them to be wise stewards of their money.
I asked the kids how they were paying to get into the fair and they just shrugged their shoulders. They need to consider if this is really how they want to spend their precious money. Maybe riding the ferris wheel is worth the sacrifice.
We'll see.
Lord, you have always provided for our needs, and sometimes have even blessed us with things beyond those needs. You love your children like that. So many times our financial troubles come when we move beyond our needs, and spend above our means in order to fulfill our wants and desires. Lord, I pray that our children learn to make responsible decisions with their money, and plan ahead for future needs. Move their hearts to be content with a little, and be satisfied with what they already have. Help them to always be faithful to their financial commitments. Lord, we always tend to want more money, but help us to be content, honest, and faithful with the money we do have. You are the giver of all good things.

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