Alyssa & Hannah...2010
School begins on Monday. I'm not sure that our family is ready. School supplies are bought, some new clothes lined up, and schedules in hand.
A lot of Alyssa's friends from last year are not coming back to her school this year, and I know that she's finding herself a little anxious about what the next year holds. She has one friend, however, that is sticking with her through their junior year. I'm thankful that God saw fit to bring this young lady into Alyssa's life.
Alyssa and Hannah play volleyball on the same team, encourage each other in their school work, and laugh a lot when they are together. They stretch one another, and I sense that they are a little competitive with one another when it comes to their grades. I think it's a good kind of competition that makes them do their best.
However, sometimes Alyssa finds herself discouraged. This friend is a little bit more outgoing, more vocal when it comes to relationships with her teachers, and it appears to Lyss that she's favored in the grade and award department at school.
My prayer, as the new school year begins, is that Alyssa grows in her confidence. Not just to speak louder, be more outgoing, or share of herself more, but to have confidence in who God made her to be. I don't want her to always compare herself with this friend, and come up with short with who she thinks she "should be" in order to get more attention. I want her to be confident in who God made her to be.
Alyssa is beautiful just the way she is!
Lord, fill both of our children with a confidence in the wonderful people you have made them to be. Keep them from comparing themselves with others, and wishing with envy that they were more like someone else. Help them to revel in the gifts you've given them, and the areas in which they shine like stars. Comparisons are odious to you. because you are their Creator, and you've made them perfect in your eyes. Give them confidence, dear Jesus, and a peace about their strengths...and their weaknesses. You have fearfully and wonderfully made Alyssa and Kyle, and I know that full well. May they come to know and believe it as well!

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