I've often joke with Lyss that her two favorite answers to any of my questions is: "I don't know" and "I don't remember." Oh how it frustrates her mother! Sometimes I just think it's her way to be funny.
However, there will be things in Lyssa's life that I pray that at some point she can say, "I don't remember"...mom's cranky moments, our parental "mistakes", her brother's pest moments, or hurtful words or actions by friends. Life is full of hard moments. Some we need to learn from, and some we just need to forget and move on, never allowing them to become roadblocks. He calls us to forgive those who trespass against us, love our enemies, and bear with one another...forgetting the past.
Looking forward is the better thing! I know God has great things in store both of my kids in the days and years to come! I hope they know it too.
Lord, this is the day that you have made, and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it! Help us to forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead. I pray this especially for Alyssa and Kyle. May forgiveness come easy in their relationships with family, friends, and even acquaintances who trespass against them, and love cover over a multitude of sins. It's so easy to hold onto grudges, remember offenses for too long, and live in the hurt and anger of someone's words or actions. In those moments, Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to forget the past,and trust in you for better things in the future. Lord, heal our hearts.