We've been doing a transforming work in our home this week. Two rooms swapped and two rooms painted. I'll tell you what, it's been a job and a half. I wish I had some "before" pictures because it's fun to see the change that comes about with a little paint and hard labor. These pictures don't do it justice, and I have a few wishes on my wish list to add to the decor, but I think I like the change.
As I was thinking about my "new" room, I realized how much a new color changes the entire feel of that space. And then an added pillow or blanket makes it even more beautiful. Now, I'm not done, but change is a process. And I like it!
Just like our lives. God's in the business of transforming us into something more like Him, and it happens one step at a time. Each trial, new stage of life, or change is helping aide the beautification process.
I trust that in my life...and in my kids lives. Transform us, dear Jesus!
Lord, oh how I want to look like you. I pray that my children reflect you as they are transformed with each day, with each trial, and with each new experience. Help Alyssa and Kyle to not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of their minds. As they grow and change, I pray that they will be able to test and approve what your will is—your good, pleasing and perfect will. I know that they will continue to look more and more beautiful as they spend time with you, and live in the way you'd have them live. I thank you, dear Jesus, for the work you are always doing in our lives!

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