Check out those ears...the giraffes, not Alyssa's!...2005
But beyond asking them to pick up their rooms, bring me their laundry, or feed the dog, there are times where I have important things to say that I hope they choose to hear. Things that will save them from calamity, failure, or harm. Things that will help their relationships, get to know God more, or help them succeed as they become adults.
Sometimes mothers (or fathers...or Father) know open those ears, dear ones!!!
Lord, thank you for the sense of hearing. What joy it is to hear a baby's laugh, a parent's blessing, or the sound of the ocean. There are sometimes, however, things that we don't want to hear. Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle's ears be open to hearing the wisdom of others, especially you. When you are tenderly calling their name, speaking your wisdom, or giving them your love, may they recognize your voice. May Alyssa and Kyle be receptive to encouragement, patient with discipline, and understanding of people's (true and wise) advise. I praise you, dear Jesus, for your presence and activity in our children's lives.

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