Family Photo for Church...2004
I heard someone recently exclaim their jealousy over what it must be like to be the pastor's family of our church, and that my kids have a special place in the church that no other kids have. Yes, there are some definite blessings, and I give God thanks often for the calling God has placed on our lives. But I had to bite my tongue a little too, because sometimes there are things in ministry that no one would find worthy of jealousy.
Some of these mark my children's "ugh" list...
At every church event or it "looks bad".
Nosey, well-meaning, "encouragers".
Interrupted family gatherings.
Shake hands, hug, and converse with everyone.
High expectations.
Conflicts or criticisms.
Long Sundays.
Overly busy parents.
The blessings far outweigh the negative in ministry, as far as my husband and I are concerned. However, sometimes I worry if my kids would say the same. I hope that when they look back on their childhood, they'll remember the ministry fondly, and the perks of the "job". And I pray that they will love church when they become adults and can choose all on their own if they go or not.
That's one of my greatest prayers!
Lord, our lives should be lived to glorify and honor you, worshiping you every step of the way. Our family has counted it a privilege to serve you, and have accepted your calling in our lives. We have chosen to serve you as ministers in your church. Even now, our children will begin to decide for themselves, if church is an important part of their lives, and if they will continue to participate in worship services, or in church ministries, and serving you. Lord, protect their hearts and minds from any bitterness, hurt, or confusion in regards to the church. Keep them strong in their faith, and overlook the heartaches, fears, or burdens that come from being committed to a church family. Help our children to fix their eyes on you, the author and perfecter of their faith, and focus on the perks and benefits of following you with their lives. Lord, please help them to fall in love with the church, and find great joy in serving, worshiping, and living their lives for you. Lord, we love you, and entrust our children's future, and love for you and the church, into your hands.

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