One of my kids favorite books when they were little was, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle. We read it so many times that the Alyssa and Kyle knew it by heart (not that it was a difficult book to memorize) and began to "read" it to me, though reading was not yet within their reach. Oh how I treasured those times. At least the first four or five times we read it in one sitting. Some days I long for those moments again.
As I think about those days, and of my kids passion to read the words of that book over and over again, and how they so easily could quote each phrase, my mind moves to hoping they would do the same with God's Word. I pray that they fall in love with the Scriptures, and want to read them over and over again, even to the point of memorizing the parts that are most important to them.
May His Word come alive in their hearts and minds, and become their most favorite book of all.
Lord, your Word is so precious. It is alive and active, and able to judge hearts and minds. It teaches, guides, and instructs us on how to live as Your children. Above all, it teaches us all we need to know about you as our Savior, and the wondrous depths of your love for us. What a gift your Word is! I pray, Father, that my children fall in love with your Word. I pray that they come to it morning after morning, and sense your Spirit talking to them as they soak in your words. When times are tough, may they open their Bibles. When they are afraid, may they find peace within it's pages. When they need guidance, I pray they let their fingers do the walking through the most important book of their life. God you are good. All the time! I love you and your Word, and may it be so with my children as well!

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