Yesterday was the first day back to school after Christmas.
Yesterday was the beginning of a new semester.
Yesterday brought a windfall of worry.
So much to do. Homework, projects, papers, and all on top of the extra-curricular activities in life. It would be so easy to worry, fret, and get into panic mode. I think I would if I were them. But I pray that Alyssa and Kyle can face this part of their life with confidence, energy, and expectancy even as they look towards the enormous list of things they have to do.
Don't worry, dear ones, God will get you through!
Lord, be Alyssa and Kyle's strength today. I know that they can do all things with you by their side. Take their worry, dear Jesus, and change it to courage and hope. You have purpose for all the things they go through, and as they hit struggles in their lives, they can learn to trust you with all their cares and worries. And as they grow, and the trials and worries get bigger, they will have learned to whom they can turn to. Lord, be Alyssa and Kyle's strength today!

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