God has said: “I will live with them
and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they will be my people.”
-- 2 Corinthians 6:16
Lord, thank you for your faithfulness to our family in 2010. I have seen you walking with us in so many ways. Your presence continually gave us guidance, peace, and strength, even in the daily activities of life.
Thank you for prompting Lyssa to step out in faith and apply for a missions trip to Mexico. Her acceptance was an open door to watching you at work in her life. You provided the finances, the perfect team, and wonderful experiences that have changed her forever. I continue to see such rich benefits from her experience. Even through hard times since then, she has remained steadfast in her love for you. She declares it in her facebook statuses, in conversations, and even through her photography. What a beautiful young lady you are molding her into. Thank you, dear Jesus, for the way you love Lyss and are walking with her.
My heart gives you thanks for the growing you're doing in Kyle too. He's becoming such a fine young man, and I love watching him laugh, play ball, and hang with his friends. His tender spirit reflects you, and I look forward to how he will live for you as he becomes an adult. Thank you for his opportunity to go to Samuel School this year, and the things he learned about walking with you. Lord, use those seeds that were planted to make him a man who reflects you in all that he says and does. Thank you, too, for his ability in sports, his discipline and good grades in school, and his joyful and happy spirit in all that he does. Lord, I know you walk with him, and my heart rejoices.
You live with us, and walk among us. Thank you, Lord, for being our God. Oh how I pray that we will always be your people!

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