Monday, Monday. Today is Monday. Let the school week begin. Ready or not...
I was reminded this week, as I was talking to another mom, of a moment when Alyssa was in the 4th grade. She tried to convince me that her teacher told her that if she wanted an "A" in spelling she had to do three homework exercises. If she wanted a "B" she could do two exercises. But, if she was satisfied with a "C" she only had to do one spelling exercise. So, what do I hear from my daughter? "Mom, I'm okay with a 'C'."
WHAT?! (Can you hear the exasperation and surprise in my voice?)
I'm sure that Alyssa couldn't see then why in the world she would need an "A" back then. There were no visible rewards, so why bother?!
Today, there are things at stake when my kids don't work hard at their responsibilities. They could flunk a class and have to retake them. Sometimes that means paying more money for a repeat class. They could loose out on future scholarship opportunities. Somewhere along the way that could impact job opportunities and life experiences. The older they get the greater the consequences of their choices when they don't feel like working hard.
As we head into this Monday, and a new week, I pray that my my kids choose to work hard at everything they do. Even if its just a little something that I have asked them to do.
Bathrooms, here they come!
Lord, this is the day that you have made! Thank you for the beginning of a new week. As my kids begin a new week at school, prepare their hearts, minds, and bodies to work hard. May everything they do bring you glory and honor. Instill in Alyssa and Kyle the desire to do their best at everything they put their minds to, and work through things even when it gets hard. Give them new wisdom, and the strength of mind, when they face new challenges. Lord, bless the work of their hands. You, Lord, are the giver of all Alyssa and Kyle need to succeed. I thank you and praise you for being right in the middle of their days.

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