Kyle playing in the rain...2008
The other night Kyle had troubles falling asleep. Worry was filling his mind as he tried to close his eyes. He has a big project and presentation due at school this week. Funny, he seemed unphased by its quick approach before he headed to bed.
Sometimes its in the quiet where thoughts begin to spin and we find it hard to turn our minds off. Instead of resting, we wrestle with things that cannot be changed in that moment.
I tried to encourage Kyle to pray, instead of ponder his worries. But honestly, sometimes its easier said than done. My prayer is that worry doesn't become Alyssa and Kyle's default response, but shows itself to be the thing that moves them to be on their knees talking to their Heavenly Father.
How about you? Are you worrying or praying?
"Worry is the darkroom in which negatives are developed."
Lord, you are our refuge and strength, and an ever-present help in trouble. Help Alyssa and Kyle to not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. As they learn to put their trust in you, lean on your understanding, and seek your will in all that they do, you will show them which path to take. Lord, you are the one place they can go, and the one person who will hear the cry of their hearts. They can cast their anxieties on you, and you will care for them in personal and precious ways. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle's hearts aren't weighed down by worry, fear, and anxiety, but that you Lord, fill them with your peace that passes all understanding. For this I pray...Amen.

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