Alyssa & Kyle...2003
I never tire of praying for my children’s salvation. I don’t even want to imagine what their lives would be like without God. On a daily basis, I see visual reminders of a lost world, and people who don’t know Him. They are lonely, tired, and hurting. I pray that the salvation my children prayed for when they were young, will become real and precious to them as they grow into adults. May their faith be real, and may it become their own.
Aaahhhhh…It’s my greatest prayer.
What a promise to hold onto, Lord! No one can snatch my children from your hand. Eternal life is your gift to them when they call on your name. I pray Lord, that they continue to turn their hearts toward you, moment by moment, day after day, and from this year until they are old and gray. Lord, you love my children with an everlasting love. You sent your one and only Son for them, and when they choose to believe in you, you will give them eternal life. You will be their strength and their song, and become their salvation. God be their rock, in whom they can take refuge. Salvation if theirs for the taking today. Lord, may my children accept your gift with a lifelong steadfastness, and fix their eyes on you all the days of their lives.

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