Today I said something real wise and mature.
"Why is it always about you? Today I want it to be about me."
One for the books wouldn't you say?
So, what did I really teach my child with that statement? That we can all have days to be the selfish ones? That there are some days when we don't have to think about another person's feelings? It IS all about ME.
We all have a tendency to be self-centered, selfish in our opinions, and thoughtless towards others. It's a constant effort to "deny ourselves" and put someone else first.
I'll be the first one to admit, I'm still learning...OBVIOUSLY!
Lord, you ask us to put aside our selfish ambition and vain conceit, and consider others above ourselves. I pray, Lord, for this kind of humility and kindness in Alyssa and Kyle's life (and mine too obviously). It's so easy to think of our rights, or desires, and our hopes and dreams at the expense of others, but you ask us to set aside those things and think of others first. Please, Lord, change our hearts. Remove the me, me, me attitude and fill us with compassion and love. Clean out the jealousy, envy, selfishness, and thoughtlessness that often resides in us. Mold us and make us to be more like you Today, may we put others first.

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