Today is Black Friday, and my family (without me...cause I love sleep way more) is attempting to find some deals and steals. As the kids all perused the ads in the newspaper, their wants and "needs" were voiced over and over again.
Thanksgiving is the day to be thankful for what we already have, but the focus quickly moved to all that they don't have.
So, I'm not sure what the troops will come home with, but I pray that that greed, gluttony, and discontentment aren't part of what they will be carrying.
Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to be on their guard against any greed; for life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. Make their hearts content with all that they have, and to be grateful what they already have. Holy Spirit, prompt their hearts when greed, gluttony and discontentment are the center of their thoughts. May you fill them with all they need, and be the One thing that brings them the greatest joy. I'm thankful for you, dear Jesus, and that you give us not only what we need, but even some of those things our heart desires. You are Lord of all, and the giver of all good things! Amen.

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