Another birthday has come and gone...oh my, oh my! I have to admit that my family did a pretty bang-up job letting me know that they loved me. Coffee, pedicure gift card, money for some new clothes, and a brand new spiffy purse. What more could a girl want? They blessed me abundantly with all the things that I loved...and therefore, I felt deeply loved.
God's like that. He lavishes His children with love.
Unfailing love.
Unending love.
Undeserving love.
Oh how I want Alyssa and Kyle to know that kind of love!
Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so!
Lord, show Alyssa and Kyle the wonders of your great love, and remind them in tangible ways today that they are the apple of your eye. Your Word says that you loved them so much that you gave your one and only son, so that they may spend eternity with you. Help them to believe in your love, dear Jesus. Lord, don't let Alyssa and Kyle live in the fear that they are not good enough to be accepted and loved by you, but rest in the security of being your dearly loved. You are God, and your love abounds to a thousand generations.

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