Me...It's easy to be content when you're on a dream vacation!
The other day, I read a blog that convicted me. God disciplines those He loves, yes? All I have to say is, "OUCH!"
The following list, is taken from the book Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow, and is a prescription for contentment. The author of the blog I read expounds a bit on each point, so if you're interested in more information, click on the link above and take a moment to read further.
1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything – not even the weather.After reading the first point, I decided to try to go the entire day without uttering a complaint. Oh it wasn't pretty. I caught myself complaining about the mess left on the counter, the kids not getting out of bed when they should, the busyness of my schedule...and on and on it went. My heart was convicted that I needed to practice being content in every situation.
2. Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
3. Never compare your lot with another’s.
4. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
5. Never dwell on tomorrow- remember that tomorrow is God’s, not ours.
I honestly think that my kids catch the worst of my habits, rather than the best. (Oh, why God is that so?) So, I'm praying that I can practice contentment and gratitude, instead of grumbling and complaining, and hope that they catch something good from following my example.
And let it begin today!
Lord, teach Alyssa and Kyle (and myself) the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. But if we have food and clothing, helps us to be content with that. May Alyssa and Kyle's hearts, minds, and mouths live in the gratitude and thanksgiving that they are exactly where you want them to be, and have all that they need. Teach them to rejoice always! From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, may your name be praised. Amen.

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