Things I'm thankful for today...
- My three week stint as a working mom is over, and I'm back at home with my kids.
- My three week stint as a working mom gave me Christmas money!
- Each of my kids made a statement of gratitude that I was home after school on Monday.
- Our family felt loved and appreciate by our church on Sunday for Pastor Appreciation.
- My dad was assaulted on Sunday, as he was taking a walk, and he could have been hurt much worse than he was. And the man was caught. So thankful.
- I love having praying friends that I can go to when I have a need.
- I am a part of three Bible studies right now. I LOVE God's Word, how it speaks to me, and those I am learning alongside.
- My man surprised me with a new windshield on my van (and a new clicker).
- My boy has a birthday this week. He is worth celebrating, and giving God thanks for, in a big way!
- I've enjoyed some precious moments with my daughter.
- I got a free manicure on Tuesday.
- I survived my dentist appointment. (Oh, you can't imagine how I hate the dentist!)
Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper
in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
--Psalm 84:10
Lord, I have been in grateful reflection, and my heart wants to cry out to you in thanksgiving. You are living and active in our lives, and I am overflowing with gratitude. Thank you, Lord, for your blessing and provision. Thank you for answering the prayers of this praying mom. What joy it brings to see your presence and work effecting the lives of my children. I love living in your courts, dear Jesus, and wouldn't wish to be any where else! I love you!

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