Saturday, March 27, 2010

Holy Grounds

Today's verse:  "Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them."  Matthew 7:12 (The Message)

Sometimes a mom just has to vent, you know.  So, here I am.  It's my blog, and I usually don't air my "dirty laundry" here, but yesterday's mishap just brought to mind a good verse, lesson, and even title for today's post!  I know that I usually set aside Saturdays to pray about my kids salvation, but this is just too good to pass up.  So, here I vent...

I have a 15 year old who is addicted to my coffee.  (Notice the emphasis here.)  Somehow she has come to expect a hot cup of "joe" each morning as she heads off to school.  So, as a loving mother, I make her a cup and send her on her way, with all my love.  Then I sit down and enjoy a cup of my own.

Yesterday morning, however, I didn't make the coffee.  She did.  Oh, what joy it was to see her take care of this herself.  Of course, my joy was very short lived.  She grabbed her cup of coffee, and walked out the door.  That's when I turned and noticed the coffee pot, and couldn't believe my eyes.   There I found only a swallow, or maybe two, of the precious stuff that I share.  That sweet girl of mine...she had only made enough coffee for herself.  Where's the love, my daughter?

Have I not taught her the "Golden Rule"?  It's an important lesson that we each have to learn.  "Do to others what you would have them do to you."   There are days where this is harder to put into practice than others, but I pray that it becomes as natural as putting on their shoes, or brushing their teeth each day.

Today, I will once again make coffee for my girl...and tomorrow, maybe she'll make it for me.

Lord, you are full of compassion and kindness, and you show love to your children in a multitude of ways.  As you live in our lives, we begin to reflect you, and show the world around us the same compassion and kindness.  Help it to become first nature to our children, to treat others the way they too would like to be treated.  May they think of others above and beyond themselves, and put others needs above their own.  May their hearts beat to your drum, and find energy, blessing, and joy in giving to others.  Bring light to their eyes when they are in the presence of someone in need.  Holy Spirit, prompt our childrens' minds to respond how you would respond.  Move their hands and feet, to go and do whatever reflects your character.  When they are aware of what they want people to do for them, may they grab the initiative and instead do it for others.  Putting others first is your calling for our lives.  Move us, Lord, to be like you.

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