Today's verse: "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy." Titus 3:4-5
God's salvation is a gift.
The best gift in all the world.
We don't deserve it,
and we cannot earn it.
No matter how much we serve.
Or how much we give.
God's salvation is a gift.
He's not counting
how often we are going to church,
how many minutes we've read our Bible,
how many verses we've memorized,
or how many minutes we've prayed.
God's salvation is a gift.
We can't buy our salvation
by how much money we give to the church,
how often we teach Sunday school,
or if we give to the poor.
God's salvation is a gift.
Not given to us for the righteous
things we've done,
but just because of
His great mercy.
mer·cy (mûr

1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.
2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving:God's salvation is a gift.
Oh how He loves you and me!
Lord, you give us the greatest gift of all. Your salvation is available to every person. You give it to us freely when we choose to believe in you. What an amazing thought it is that we can't earn salvation, and that it's not based on what we do or don't do! Lord, your love and care for your people is so evident. Your kindness so huge. Lord, I pray that my children don't feel the pressure of needing to strive to be perfect, in order to be your child. I pray that they don't ever believe that their salvation is based on how much they "do" for the kingdom. The truth is, its a gift, based on your love for your children, and their heart for you. Lord, draw them to yourself, and let them soak in the freedom and rest that comes knowing that their salvation in you is a gift given free and clear. Lord, thank you for loving your children in this beautiful way.
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