God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Oh, the Gall
Today's verse: "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
Yesterday I got to have a look at my kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach, and gallbladder. Not that I could really tell what I was seeing. I only knew because someone trained on how to read an ultrasound machine could tell me what body part I was looking at. If I didn't know better, it looked much like the ultrasounds I had when I was pregnant. Whew...that's not why I was there. I won't know for a couple of days if anything unusual appeared, but it was kind of an interesting experience.
God made our bodies so amazing. Each part has it's function and purpose. Except the gall bladder, the weird little thing. That's what I really went in to have checked, and the doctor informed me that it has no hugely important function, and if I had to have it removed, I would not be any worse off. I wonder why God gave us a gall bladder then? One of those questions I guess we'll get to ask Him one day, I guess.
Anyway, as I watched my body parts flash up on the screen, I was reminded to be thankful for my children's bodies and their good health. A cold here or there, and a headache or two once in a while, is about as major a health problem as we've ever had to deal with. I'm so, so thankful that they have strong and healthy bodies today. You can bet your bottom dollar that I am praying it stays that way for a very long time.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for the health of my children. They each have strong, able and beautiful bodies that are a gift from you. You make each body part vital...how amazing is you are. Lord, continue to protect the health of my babies. Save them from being run down, having colds, but also anything that is life threatening. You are the giver of each day, and of every heart beat, and we trust you for each moment we live and breathe. You have fearfully and wonderfully made each of my children. Bring strength to each limb, allowing them to do things that they can only do with your power. Give them refreshing sleep each night, so they can wake up and feel ready to follow your calling on their lives. You are the giver of the air that we breathe, and the bodies we live in, and we trust you with each moment we live.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Psalm 23
You Lord are my children's shepherd;
They will have all that they need.
You let them rest in green meadows;
you lead them beside peaceful streams.
You Lord will renew their strength.
You Lord will guide them along right paths,
bringing honor to your name.
Even when my children walk
through the darkest valley,
They will not be afraid,
for you are close beside them.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort them.
You prepare a feast for your sons and daughters,
in the presence of their enemies.
You honor them by anointing their head with oil.
Oh Lord, their cups will overflow with blessings.
Surely your goodness, Lord, and unfailing love will pursue my children
all the days of their lives,
and they will live in your house, Lord,
They will have all that they need.
You let them rest in green meadows;
you lead them beside peaceful streams.
You Lord will renew their strength.
You Lord will guide them along right paths,
bringing honor to your name.
Even when my children walk
through the darkest valley,
They will not be afraid,
for you are close beside them.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort them.
You prepare a feast for your sons and daughters,
in the presence of their enemies.
You honor them by anointing their head with oil.
Oh Lord, their cups will overflow with blessings.
Surely your goodness, Lord, and unfailing love will pursue my children
all the days of their lives,
and they will live in your house, Lord,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Spring Break is Here!
Today's verse: "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29
Spring Break has arrived.
It's a break from early morning routines.
Breakfast quandries.
Bathroom battles.
Everyone rushing too and fro.
It's a break from school, of course.
Papers to draft.
Books to read.
Words to study.
Math to figure.
It's a break from the afternoon craziness.
I pray that it's a break that...
Refreshes our spirits.
Gives rest to our bodies.
Holds memories of laughter and joy.
Prepares us for the next stretch of school.
Oh, I'm ready for Spring Break! Bring it on!
Lord, I give you thanks for giving strength to the weary and increasing the power of the weak. You are with us, and give us strength, when days are busy and hard. But you also give us times of rest and refreshment when we are willing to come to you. I pray, dear Jesus, that in these coming days of spring break, that you fill our children with new energy and passion for their "work", refresh their bodies and minds, and prepare them for the new days of learning ahead. Help them to use their time wisely, treat each other kindly, and find moments of quiet in your presence. Lord, refresh our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. These are the days you have made, and we will rejoice, dear Jesus, in this rest.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Best GPS
Today's verse: "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." Psalm 37:23
I'm struggling with some things in my life right now. Areas in which I'm asking for God's wisdom, direction, and guidance. (Nothing huge, so don't worry too much.) In this process, I am praying that He "directs my steps" in a clear way, so that I don't miss His instruction and help. Sometimes I wonder if God gets tired of the things I ask Him about, over and over. However, yesterday He gave me the above verse, offering assurance that He delights in every detail of my life. The questions I ponder, my hopes and fears, and even my desires or struggles, are things that He looks on with pleasure, especially as I allow Him to guide my footsteps.
I pray that my children also look to God for His direction in their lives. If I, as their mother, take such great delight in watching them grow up, and follow Christ, I can't imagine what joy it must bring God Himself. He delights over every detail of their lives. What an intimate, loving, and precious God He is!
Oh Lord, please direct our paths!
Lord, I know that your Word promises that when we trust in you, and lean not on our own understanding, acknowledging you with each step, you will be there making our paths straight. Every day we are faced with choices and decisions, that can either take us closer to you, or further away. Or choices that are right in the center of your will, or off the beaten path in another direction because of our own selfish desires that wage war within us. I pray Lord, that you always direct my steps, and the steps of our children. What great delight it brings you to see your sons and daughters living their lives for you, and in you. Today, help us to pay attention to your leading and guiding, and be bold to go where you want us to go, no matter the cost. Take delight in every detail of our children's lives, covering them with your blessing, offering them protection, and directing their steps every day.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Holy Grounds
Today's verse: "Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them." Matthew 7:12 (The Message)
Sometimes a mom just has to vent, you know. So, here I am. It's my blog, and I usually don't air my "dirty laundry" here, but yesterday's mishap just brought to mind a good verse, lesson, and even title for today's post! I know that I usually set aside Saturdays to pray about my kids salvation, but this is just too good to pass up. So, here I vent...
I have a 15 year old who is addicted to my coffee. (Notice the emphasis here.) Somehow she has come to expect a hot cup of "joe" each morning as she heads off to school. So, as a loving mother, I make her a cup and send her on her way, with all my love. Then I sit down and enjoy a cup of my own.
Yesterday morning, however, I didn't make the coffee. She did. Oh, what joy it was to see her take care of this herself. Of course, my joy was very short lived. She grabbed her cup of coffee, and walked out the door. That's when I turned and noticed the coffee pot, and couldn't believe my eyes. There I found only a swallow, or maybe two, of the precious stuff that I share. That sweet girl of mine...she had only made enough coffee for herself. Where's the love, my daughter?
Have I not taught her the "Golden Rule"? It's an important lesson that we each have to learn. "Do to others what you would have them do to you." There are days where this is harder to put into practice than others, but I pray that it becomes as natural as putting on their shoes, or brushing their teeth each day.
Today, I will once again make coffee for my girl...and tomorrow, maybe she'll make it for me.
Lord, you are full of compassion and kindness, and you show love to your children in a multitude of ways. As you live in our lives, we begin to reflect you, and show the world around us the same compassion and kindness. Help it to become first nature to our children, to treat others the way they too would like to be treated. May they think of others above and beyond themselves, and put others needs above their own. May their hearts beat to your drum, and find energy, blessing, and joy in giving to others. Bring light to their eyes when they are in the presence of someone in need. Holy Spirit, prompt our childrens' minds to respond how you would respond. Move their hands and feet, to go and do whatever reflects your character. When they are aware of what they want people to do for them, may they grab the initiative and instead do it for others. Putting others first is your calling for our lives. Move us, Lord, to be like you.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Help, Please!
Who would go on a ride named "Wicked"?
Lagoon 2009
Today's verse: "Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good." Job 34:4
Discernment in Scripture is the skill that enables us to differentiate. It is the ability to see issues clearly. We desperately need to cultivate this spiritual skill that will enable us to know right from wrong. We must be prepared to distinguish light from darkness, truth from error, best from better, righteousness from unrighteousness, purity from defilement, and principles from pragmatics.
(J. Stowell, Fan The Flame, Moody, 1986, p. 44.)
Daily our children are put in places and situations where they need a God-given discernment. I don't have any "story" to go along with this prayer this morning, nor anything that sparked my need to write about this. Only that I'm not too old to remember what it was like to be a teenager, and the things they face on a day by day basis, where they will have to choose right from wrong, or truth from a lie.
And beyond that, doesn't parenting require discernment every day? I don't know about you, but I know that I do. Sometimes even moment by moment. Parenting is a job that I cannot successfully accomplish on my own accord. It's just way too hard. Lord, grant me Your discernment today!
Lord, I rejoice in you today. You are my God, and I desire your overwhelming and fulfilling presence in my life. Fill me with your discernment and wisdom daily, so that I always live right in the center of your will for my life. As I parent, may I always lean on you for understanding, guidance, and leading. Even beyond myself, Lord, I pray that you interrupt my childrens' thoughts, and fill them with your wisdom and discernment. Help them to always discern right from wrong, light from dark, truth from a lie, and your Spirit from the evil in this world. Lord, let their eyes see through the lenses of your truth and light. You long for your children to humble themselves and seek your face, and turn from their wicked ways. May it be so with us.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thankful Thursday: The Basics
Our New House 2001
"May our barns be filled
with all kinds of crops.
May our fields be covered
with sheep by the thousands,
and every cow have calves.
Don't let our city be captured
or any of us be taken away,
and don't let cries of sorrow
be heard in our streets.
Our LORD and our God,
you give these blessings
to all who worship you."
--Psalm 144:13-15 (CEV)
Many times yesterday my heart was moved to give God thanks for the home that we live in, and the food on our table. My husband works hard, in a good job that brings him joy and satisfaction, providing for our family in abundant ways. We've never been in great need, nor had the inability to provide the things our children have needed. Sure, we've had lean times, or times when we couldn't do all that we wanted to do, but we've always had a home. We've always had food. We've always had each other.
I couldn't be more thankful for the basics of my life!
Oh Lord, my heart cries out with thanksgiving for all the things you have blessed our life with . Thank you for our home that provides shelter and warmth, and a place for love and joy. Thank you for the food on our table that nourishes our bodies and gives us strength for each day. Thank you for the clothes that keep us warm, the pillow in which we rest our head, and the electricity that allows us to use the "extras" in life. Lord, you have always provided for our needs in abundant ways, and I never want to take that for granted. May our hearts always turn towards gratitude and thanksgiving for the ways you provide for us, and rejoice in all the things you bless our lives with. You have filled our barns! You are God, and you are good. Thank you, dear Lord.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Beauty and the Beast
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:4
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30
Proverbs 31:30
"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Ecclesiastes 3:11
"How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty!"
Psalm 84:1
Psalm 84:1
"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
2 Corinthians 3:18
"The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him,
for he is your lord."
Psalm 45:11
for he is your lord."
Psalm 45:11
" I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14
your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14
As my daughter got into the car yesterday, after school, I said "Hey, Beautiful", and her response back to me was in the form of a grunt. Anytime I compliment her, I get a a response that is similar. She closes her eyes, she sticks out her tongue, or she does this cave-man like growl. I think all women go through times when they feel insecure about how they look, and teenagers maybe even more so, leading them into a diet frenzy of some sort, or a poor self image that last forever. I hope that there is some part of Alyssa that relishes the compliments she gets from her mom and dad, and tucks them inside her heart for future reference.
I'm praying that Alyssa will not look to the world to size up her true beauty, but focus on the truth she can find in God's Word, and believe it in her heart. I know He thinks she is beautiful!
And daughter of mine, so do I.
Lord, I know that you are enthralled with Alyssa's beauty, inside and out. You are her Creator, her Father, and her King, and you love her with an everlasting love that never fades. I pray, dear Jesus, that she doesn't look upon herself with contempt and disgust, but with a humble contentment and satisfaction, resting in the truth that she is fearfully and wonderfully made. Protect her from the enemy who wants her to look down on herself, and live in doubt of who you have made her to be. I pray that Alyssa is confident in the fact that you began a good work in her and you will carry it out to completion. Your dwelling place is beautiful, Oh Lord. May she believe it is so.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Excel in the Grace of Giving
Can you find Ken and Alyssa?
Today's verse: "But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving." 2 Corinthians 8:7
Yesterday, I shared about our grand Taco Dinner at the church on Sunday night. We're on a journey to send Alyssa on a missions trip to Mexico this summer, and this was our first fundraiser. We're now about 1/4 the way to our goal. Yahoo! God was so good last night!
What I was in awe of most last night was people's generosity. Our church went above and beyond in this department. Sure, I can look at the money amount we raised last night, and stand amazed, but it was more than that. It was all those who donated taco fixing, moved tables and chairs, made decorations, provided delicious desserts, and helped clean up. People gave in so many beautiful ways.
Giving, be it financial or otherwise, doesn't always come naturally. Teaching my kids to be giving, especially to one another, has been a challenge at times. Our human tendency is to hold onto our financial resources, our time, and even the things we own. It's ours by-golly, why would we want to share with others? However, God calls us to be like Christ and excel in this grace of giving.
Last night, I saw many who excelled. Our church family was a living picture of this grace of giving. A beautiful example for my children to behold.
Lord, with your presence in our lives, we can excel in many things. Your Spirit moves us to grow in our faith, in speech, and in wisdom. I pray that you also help Alyssa and Kyle to excel in this grace of giving. When they become aware of others' needs, may they eagerly desire to do give of their finances, their time, and any other resources that they own. May they recognize that all that they own is yours, and that you will provide for all of their needs. Through their giving hearts, I pray others see you. Continually open Alyssa and Kyle's eyes so that they see the needs of others, and open their hearts to respond the way you would respond., always excelling in the grace of giving.
Monday, March 22, 2010
In Awe
Today's verse: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.' " Isaiah 30:21
Last night was a big event for our family. It was our first fundraiser for Alyssa's missions trip to Mexico next summer. With 350 tortillas, 23 lbs. of ground beef, 3 pots of refried beans, 7 containers of sour cream, and olives, tomatoes, onions, and chips coming out our ears, we opened the doors and were ready to feed tacos to about 110 people. It was a fun night that probably deserves another blog entry all on it's own, because our church family pulled together in a beautiful way; in helping set up, provide food, make decorations, and then open their pocketbooks to help Alyssa, and her friend Shreela, make money for this opportunity. What a blessing to behold for sure! My heart is full this morning, for sure. Thank you, church family!
Even beyond the beauty of that, I loved watching the beauty of our daughter. I know I wrote a little bit about this a couple of weeks ago (you can check it out here if you want), but I just couldn't get by without writing about it again today. Alyssa and Shreela, basically ran the entire program of the dinner, standing at the microphone with great confidence and brilliant passion for their trip. I was in awe.
For the first time, I got to hear Alyssa share about how God prompted her heart to apply to go on this missions trip. She's been a bit quiet about sharing her decision process with her parents. She just came home one day and said she was going to fill out all the paperwork and see what happened. But last night, in a clear and concise way, and with great depth, she replayed how God spoke to her, and led her to think about going to Mexico. I could see how God is living and active in our daughter, and how He is leading and guiding her in beautiful ways. I was in awe.
I pray that, throughout the rest of her life, Alyssa will be in constant tune of where God is leading her. College choices will be coming soon. Career plans, who to date, a marriage partner, financial decisions, ministry opportunities, will all have important ramifications to her life. I pray that she will always be sensitive to God's voice, and the whisper in her ear saying "this is the way; walk in it". Some decisions she has to make will seem small, but some will hold great impact on her life, and on where her feet land, but if she follows God's leading, she will always be right where she needs to be.
I can't wait to see what God is going to do in Alyssa's life this next summer. I think I will always be in awe of seeing Him living in her.
And speaking of awe...our church gave over $1,400 for the girls trip last night! God is good!
Oh Lord, you are so good. You are the maker of heaven and earth, and you are the designer of our days. What an amazing thought that you are a God who loves us intimately, and you want to speak to us in such a way that we can hear your voice say, 'This is the way; walk in it.' Lord, be Alyssa and Kyle's greatest guide and loudest voice, spurring them on to the things you have planned on them. Oh, how I pray that they will always live for you, and in the center of your will for their lives. I look forward to watching your work in their lives, and how they live for you. May they love you deeply, trust you wholly, and stand firm in obedience to your leading, reflecting you with their lives. Lord, I am in awe of you, and seeing you in my children. Oh Lord, you are so good!
Last night was a big event for our family. It was our first fundraiser for Alyssa's missions trip to Mexico next summer. With 350 tortillas, 23 lbs. of ground beef, 3 pots of refried beans, 7 containers of sour cream, and olives, tomatoes, onions, and chips coming out our ears, we opened the doors and were ready to feed tacos to about 110 people. It was a fun night that probably deserves another blog entry all on it's own, because our church family pulled together in a beautiful way; in helping set up, provide food, make decorations, and then open their pocketbooks to help Alyssa, and her friend Shreela, make money for this opportunity. What a blessing to behold for sure! My heart is full this morning, for sure. Thank you, church family!
Even beyond the beauty of that, I loved watching the beauty of our daughter. I know I wrote a little bit about this a couple of weeks ago (you can check it out here if you want), but I just couldn't get by without writing about it again today. Alyssa and Shreela, basically ran the entire program of the dinner, standing at the microphone with great confidence and brilliant passion for their trip. I was in awe.
For the first time, I got to hear Alyssa share about how God prompted her heart to apply to go on this missions trip. She's been a bit quiet about sharing her decision process with her parents. She just came home one day and said she was going to fill out all the paperwork and see what happened. But last night, in a clear and concise way, and with great depth, she replayed how God spoke to her, and led her to think about going to Mexico. I could see how God is living and active in our daughter, and how He is leading and guiding her in beautiful ways. I was in awe.
I pray that, throughout the rest of her life, Alyssa will be in constant tune of where God is leading her. College choices will be coming soon. Career plans, who to date, a marriage partner, financial decisions, ministry opportunities, will all have important ramifications to her life. I pray that she will always be sensitive to God's voice, and the whisper in her ear saying "this is the way; walk in it". Some decisions she has to make will seem small, but some will hold great impact on her life, and on where her feet land, but if she follows God's leading, she will always be right where she needs to be.
I can't wait to see what God is going to do in Alyssa's life this next summer. I think I will always be in awe of seeing Him living in her.
And speaking of awe...our church gave over $1,400 for the girls trip last night! God is good!
Oh Lord, you are so good. You are the maker of heaven and earth, and you are the designer of our days. What an amazing thought that you are a God who loves us intimately, and you want to speak to us in such a way that we can hear your voice say, 'This is the way; walk in it.' Lord, be Alyssa and Kyle's greatest guide and loudest voice, spurring them on to the things you have planned on them. Oh, how I pray that they will always live for you, and in the center of your will for their lives. I look forward to watching your work in their lives, and how they live for you. May they love you deeply, trust you wholly, and stand firm in obedience to your leading, reflecting you with their lives. Lord, I am in awe of you, and seeing you in my children. Oh Lord, you are so good!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
My Children, Love One Another
Today's verse: "Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other." John 13:34-35 (The Message)
Lord, you have blessed us with two beautiful children, and we give you thanks. They each bring such joy to our lives. At times, however, they bring out the worst in each other. One moment they are each others best friend, and then the next they are arguing like enemies. Lord, help them learn to show love, kindness and compassion with one another in all circumstances, reflecting you in their actions, and may forgiveness flow easily when hurts happen. Bring moments of great laughter and times of lasting joy together. May they defend one another to their friends, build one another up when they are down, and speak words that bring life into their relationship. Keep the enemy from allowing anger to reside in their hearts, and tearing their relationship apart. Lord, I pray that your Spirit prompts them to love one another, and love one another deeply.
Summer 2009
Lord, you have blessed us with two beautiful children, and we give you thanks. They each bring such joy to our lives. At times, however, they bring out the worst in each other. One moment they are each others best friend, and then the next they are arguing like enemies. Lord, help them learn to show love, kindness and compassion with one another in all circumstances, reflecting you in their actions, and may forgiveness flow easily when hurts happen. Bring moments of great laughter and times of lasting joy together. May they defend one another to their friends, build one another up when they are down, and speak words that bring life into their relationship. Keep the enemy from allowing anger to reside in their hearts, and tearing their relationship apart. Lord, I pray that your Spirit prompts them to love one another, and love one another deeply.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Speaking Loud
Today's verse: "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
Alyssa had just turned 6 years old, and was learning to write. Freedom to communicate was at the tip of her fingers. What fun it was as parents, to find that she had some tendencies toward evangelism, and wanted to share with everyone what they too needed to do! We found this proclamation on one of the dry erase boards at church...
"Askc Jesus too live in your hurte" -- Alyssa, 2000
May she always be willing to communicate to the world that Jesus loves them, and the important truth that all they have to do is ask Him into their hearts.
Children often have the ability to speak louder than we can imagine.
Lord, I hold onto this promise from your Word..."My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever." (Isaiah 59:21) I pray that my children always hold onto the truth that you are God, you love them with all that you are, and you are the most important treasure of their lives. May this truth be forever on their lips, and they find boldness to share it with others in their lives, and to the generations that come after them. I pray that their hearts burn with passion to spread your Word to the lost. Pursuing you, living for you, and sharing you with others will bring the greatest joy of their lives. Thank you, Lord, for holding them in the palm of your hands, and having a future for them that holds good things. They are a precious gift to us, and to the world around them. May they speak loud of your love to the world around them.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today's verse: "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you...But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3-4,6
Recently I was cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. The kind of cleaning that requires getting down on your hands and knees and taking inventory of every nook and cranny. In the process I came across a sight to behold., I'm wishing now that I had taken a picture, so I could show you proof, and have a really cool image to go along with my blog today. Darn it. Anyway, as I was wiping down the cupboards, and around the "island" of my kitchen, I happened upon a secret stash of fruit stickers hiding underneath the lip of the counter top. Someone had a pretty good collection going under there. Well, they did...
I have a pretty good culprit in mind, and I'm sure he's going to be sorely disappointed when he finds his secret collection absent the next time he has a deposit to make. Poor, poor sticker collection.
There are a lot of things our kids can do in secret. Sometimes that's a scary thought to a mom. When those things are wrong, I pray that they get caught, and learn their lessons well. Oooooh baby. But what I really hope for more than that? I hope that they are having a deep, meaningful, life-changing and personal relationships with Christ...praying and reading their Bibles. I pray that, without my awareness, they are showing compassion and kindness to others, and giving to others in need. God rewards thing things we do for Him, especially when we aren't seeking the applaud of others, and when it's what we do in secret...when it's just between me and God.
Now that's a secret that this mom can smile at.
Oh Lord, there are no secrets between you and I. You know everything about me, and you love me anyway. Nothing remains hidden from you. So, in the quietness of my heart, recognize my desire to seek after you, and always live according to your will for my life. I pray these things for my children as well. I pray for the things they choose to do in secret. Lord, protect them from harm, and direct them to always make wise choices. Prompt their hearts to do what is right and follow you. Instill in them the desire and hunger to meet you in the quiet places of their thoughts. Fill them with an urge to speak to you as one speaks to a friend. Move them to show compassion and kindness, and give of out of their hearts, to the world around them that need to see you. I pray, Lord, that they never give out of a need to be recognized or appreciated, but they give out of their love for you and the people around them. May their "secrets" always be ones that glorify you.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thankful Thursday: God's Not Done
Today's verse: "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6 (NLT)
Today I am thankful that God is not finished with me yet. Some days I feel He has a lot of work to do in my life to make me the woman He wants me to be. This week I have sensed Him speaking to me, stretching me, blessing me, and even forgiving me. Oh, the sweetness of God's forgiveness.
I'm so thankful...
Lord, thank you for not giving up on me. I thank you that you are doing a good work in me, and you will continue to do so until the day of Christ's return. Continue to mold me into the woman you want me to be. I so want to reflect you as I parent, as a wife, and when I serve others. There are days when I feel like there is more of me in me, than you, and I so want that to be different. Lord, forgive me for the times when I fall short, and fill me with your Spirit and strength so I can handle anything that comes my way. Clothe me with strength and dignity. Dear Jesus, I'm so thankful that you're not finished with me yet. May I shine with Your presence living in my life.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Daily Protection
Today's verse: "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:13-17
Kyle 2009
Oh what fun it was teaching Kyle about deodorant. When he was a little bit younger he found great "fun" in smothering himself with the smelly stuff, or over-spraying the body spray everywhere. We'd find ourselves gagging as we entered his side of the house.
However, when it came time for his dad and I to begin reminding him of his need for deodorant, Kyle would complain that he didn't smell. Hey, why use deodorant if you can't smell the stink yourself? We had many discussions about him probably not being able to smell his own body odor, and that deodorant was more about protection and prevention...preventing anyone, including himself, from smelling the glorious stink.
God's Word reminds us to "put on" our protection as well, so that when the day of evil comes, we are ready! Not because we smell it's presence already on us as a sign of warning, but because we want protection in advance. We are in danger of getting nailed with the enemies arrows, if we wait to put on our armor after the battle has already begun.
So, my dear son (and daughter), put on God's armor, and just like your deodorant, wear it daily. The enemy is going to want to cause a stink your life, but God and His Word will be your best protection!
Oh Lord, you are our shield and protector! Protect us from the evil one. Urge my babies to put on your full armor, so that when the day of evil comes, they may be able to stand their ground, and after they have done everything, to stand. Help them to stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around their waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with their feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, prod them to take up the shield of faith, with which they can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. You give us the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Lord, help them hunger, devour, and ponder your powerful Word. It's a tough world out there, and the enemy is spreading evil everywhere. Be Alyssa and Kyle's shield and protector each and every day, with each and every step.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The First Thing Out of Their Mouths
Mom & Lyss 2008
Today's verse: "Don't be harsh or impatient with an older man. Talk to him as you would your own father, and to the younger men as your brothers. Reverently honor an older woman as you would your mother, and the younger women as sisters" 1 Timothy 5:1 (The Message)
Yesterday, I taxied Kyle to his regular orthodontist appointment. It's amazing how many miles a mom can put on her vehicle in any given day, shuttling the kids to and fro. So, while I was waiting, I took a moment to pull out my book and do a little reading. Aaaahhhh...and small moment of quiet. Until...
A family with a little 5 year old boy entered the waiting room. And with him came one of those hand-held electronic games. Turned on loud, he began to play with great gusto, interrupting the nice peace and quiet. Luckily his mom stepped in and told him to turn down the sound. She repeated the request a couple of more times, without any result, when I finally saw the little boy look at his mom and stick his tongue out at her. Not once, not twice, but three times.
Oh, as I watched that little moment unfold, I thought of many things I could write a blog about today...
Or even parenting (The mother chose to ignore her son's disrespect.)
I think above all, the respect issue was what struck me the most. I pray that my kids will always show respect to the people in their lives....family, friends, teachers, and authority figures. There may be times when they feel like sticking out their tongues (don't we all have those moments?), but I pray that respect will always be the first thing out of their mouths.
Lord, it pleases you when your children speak words of respect, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Our words can reflect your presence in our lives. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to show respect to the people in their lives. Even when they feel like sticking their tongues out in disgust, anger, or frustration, may they choose the harder and better thing, and respond with words that would come from your mouth. Help them to speak words that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and excellent or praiseworthy. May your Spirit fill Alyssa and Kyle's heart, mind, and mouth, always reflecting you in their actions and words. You are beautiful, Lord, and you make your children beautiful. Oh, how we love you!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Soft Heart Open to Wisdom
My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding,
and applying your heart to understanding,
and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
and find the knowledge of God.
--Proverbs 2:1-5
I spend Sunday nights with a group of parents, praying for the youth, youth activities, and youth leaders of our church. I feel like it's one of the best ways that I spend my time during the week. As we were praying last night, one of the mom's prayed for something that spoke to me. She prayed, "Give my daughter a soft heart towards her parent's wisdom and instruction." I'm not sure that I quoted her word for word, but it's close.
I've noticed, as my kids get older and move into their teenage years, that I don't seem to know so much. Ha! I've heard that this is a normal teenager phenomenon. They have this tendency to believe what others have to say, and listen to their wisdom, sometimes before they listen to mine...even if I've even said it first. Grumble.
So, I echo this mom's prayer for my children, and ask God to give them a soft heart towards their parent's wisdom. But beyond that, I pray that their hearts are open to others' wisdom as well...including God's. It's our human nature to struggle sometimes against others' insights, or put higher confidence in our own ideas, and we cringe or act out in our pride, and we miss out on some valuable nuggets of wisdom. Oh, I hate it when I do that!
"The next best thing to being wise oneself
is to live in a circle of those who are"
--C.S. Lewis
I'm praying that my children have a soft heart towards others' instruction and wisdom. Being willing to listen to the wisdom of others is a sign of maturity and growth.
Lord, your wisdom is the richest of all wisdom. Thank you for sharing it with your children when we seek it. Your Word is full of rich treasures! I pray, Lord, that my children accept your words, and store up your commands within their hearts, turning their ear to wisdom and applying their heart to understanding. Lord, If they call out for insight and understanding, and search your hidden treasures, they will find You in beautiful ways. I also pray, Lord, that Alyssa and Kyle have hearts that are open to their parents wisdom and instruction. Keep them from becoming closed off, or bitter, when we instruct in certain directions, and trust that we always have their best interest at heart. Give them great pleasure in listening to others' wisdom, and good judgment on who and what they listen too. Thank you, Father, for the promise that when we seek you, we will find you! Lord, be the first place they go for wisdom, and the loudest voice they hear speaking in their ear.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
A Sabbath Day of Rest
Today's verse: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; or anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his." Hebrews 4:9-10
I'm taking a little Sabbath rest from the blog today.
Not to worry, I will still be praying for my kids!
What are you praying about today?
Enjoy your Sabbath as well!
I'm taking a little Sabbath rest from the blog today.
Not to worry, I will still be praying for my kids!
What are you praying about today?
Enjoy your Sabbath as well!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
A Life with Hope
Today's verse: "You lived in this world without God and without hope. But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ." Ephesians 2:12-13 (NLT)
Lord, life without you is a life without hope. So many in this world are lost, lonely, living in darkness, and searching for something that can fill the void in their lives. And until they come to know you in a personal way, they cannot experience a truly satisfying life, filled with an everlasting joy, and marked by the your peace. Oh, I pray that my children never experience a life a part from you. Through your salvation may they be brought near to you, and filled with the hope that comes only from being your child. May Alyssa and Kyle call you Father all the days of their life.
Kyle & Alyssa --2004
Lord, life without you is a life without hope. So many in this world are lost, lonely, living in darkness, and searching for something that can fill the void in their lives. And until they come to know you in a personal way, they cannot experience a truly satisfying life, filled with an everlasting joy, and marked by the your peace. Oh, I pray that my children never experience a life a part from you. Through your salvation may they be brought near to you, and filled with the hope that comes only from being your child. May Alyssa and Kyle call you Father all the days of their life.
Friday, March 12, 2010
They're Watching!
Grammy & Papa, married 42 years
Grandson Luke Taking Note
Today's verse: "This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5:32-33
I was honored last week because someone asked to meet with me to talk about marriage. She's struggling in her marriage, and wanted to "gather information" on how to have a good marriage, and she saw Ken and I as a couple who appeared to have it all together. I was honored. I do love my husband. Though I had to admit to this woman, that as with every other married couple, we do have our struggles and bad days. We've just committed to working hard, and staying together forever.
What a reminder though that people are watching. They are looking for people who are happy and successful in their marriages, to be examples of how it "should" be in their life. We live in a world where it's easy to give up, change our minds, and break commitments. Marriage, too often, is not a sacred covenant to be kept and worked at.
Even greater, our children are watching. They are keeping an eye out for how we work through conflict, show love and respect, have fun together, communicate, and help one another. Every day becomes a lesson on what marriage can be in their lives. What pressure sometimes.
I love that my children have two sets of grandparents who have worked hard, and stayed married through thick and thin. I'm even grateful that their parents have chosen to work hard at our marriage, and have 20+ years under our belt. Though these marriages aren't marked by perfection, Alyssa and Kyle have beautiful examples of how God designed marriage to be. Forever.
Oh Lord, this is the day you have made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! I'm thankful for another day to draw closer to you, and closer to my family. I'm so grateful that you are the giver of love and marriage. You designed it to be a life-giving, joy-filling, supportive, and a forever relationship in our lives. Your Word shows us how love and respect are the characteristics you designed God-filled marriages to be marked by. In our own selfishness, love and respect, are sometimes hard things to live by. Lord, as parents, who our children are watching every day, help us to reflect how to show love and respect every day. May they see in our marriage what it looks like to have a healthy, fully-committed relationship. I pray for our children's future spouses, and the marriages that they will have. I pray that they find a spouse who follows you, and wants to live a marriage with you at the center. I pray that our children want to hold on to the example of working hard through each high and low in their marriage, never giving up too easily. Lord, I truly pray for spouses who bring abundant happiness, lifelong joy, and abiding love. Though it is sometimes hard work, what joy marriage can bring to one's life.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday: God's Sustaining Word
Today's verse: "The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught." Isaiah 50:4
Thursday's are Women's Bible Study days! It's one of my favorite times of the week. I love the encouragement I find there, and the joy we find learning about God and His Word together. I've grown so much in my walk with the Lord because of our Thursday mornings in the Word. God is always faithful to show up!
I can't wait to see what He has in store for today!
Lord, thank you for your Word and how it sustains me, gives me life, and draws me closer to you. I'm so blessed that I can learn more about you, and that there are other women who are desiring to do the same. What a gift it is that we can teach one another, and that others can give new insights to your Word that help it come alive. Thank you that there are women who love your Word and are being changed by it day by day. What a blessing it is that these women lift me up, pray for me, and stand by me through thick and thin. Lord, I pray that my children fall in love with studying your Word, and find a group of people who can challenge them to grow in knowledge and depth of insight. I pray that they have a hunger and thirst to know you through your Word, and they fill the urgency in great ways, instead of letting that feeling fall away. Lord, bring them a community of believers who hunger and thirst after your Word as well, and help them desire to dig deeper, and understand more, what's in your Scriptures. Make the Words come alive in our lives! I love you, Lord, and want to seek more and more after you!
Thursday's are Women's Bible Study days! It's one of my favorite times of the week. I love the encouragement I find there, and the joy we find learning about God and His Word together. I've grown so much in my walk with the Lord because of our Thursday mornings in the Word. God is always faithful to show up!
I can't wait to see what He has in store for today!
Lord, thank you for your Word and how it sustains me, gives me life, and draws me closer to you. I'm so blessed that I can learn more about you, and that there are other women who are desiring to do the same. What a gift it is that we can teach one another, and that others can give new insights to your Word that help it come alive. Thank you that there are women who love your Word and are being changed by it day by day. What a blessing it is that these women lift me up, pray for me, and stand by me through thick and thin. Lord, I pray that my children fall in love with studying your Word, and find a group of people who can challenge them to grow in knowledge and depth of insight. I pray that they have a hunger and thirst to know you through your Word, and they fill the urgency in great ways, instead of letting that feeling fall away. Lord, bring them a community of believers who hunger and thirst after your Word as well, and help them desire to dig deeper, and understand more, what's in your Scriptures. Make the Words come alive in our lives! I love you, Lord, and want to seek more and more after you!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Instructions for Life
Today's verse: "Surely it is you who love the people; all the holy ones are in your hand. At your feet they all bow down, and from you receive instruction." Deuteronomy 33:3
This past summer my two boys went on a father-son camp-out. No girls were allowed. I think it became a sort of initiation into manhood for Kyle. He learned how to make a campfire, cook dinner on the barbecue, and set up the tent.
In my opinion, I would not survive a camp-out if I had to set up my own tent.
Unless maybe I had some really good instructions! Even then, I'm sure that I'd experience some problems along the way. With the guidance of Dad, Kyle was successful in his endeavor to successfully set up their man-castle.
If I ever go camping, I'll just take Kyle.
In life, God and His Word are a lot like having the instruction manual, or dad's help, to set up the tent. God and His Word give guidance and direction for a successful life. He has wonderful plans for His children, and all the wisdom we need to see it come to life. When we are faithful to follow His instructions, and listen to His voice, we'll accomplish great things!
Lord, I so love your Word. and the treasures I find there. Thank you for speaking to me when I open it's pages. Your love for your children is so evident. Lord, help my children fall in love with your Word too. May they find your wisdom and leadership, and look to you for direction for their lives. When they don't know what to say or do, may their first response be to seek your help through your Word. When they are fearful, I pray that they open the pages of your Word and find hope and peace. When they worry, may they fix their eyes on you. Lord, you promise that there are plans for our lives that are not for harm, but will allow us to prosper, if we seek you. When we seek you through your Word, we will find you! Give us instructions for life, dear Jesus, and may we live in the confidence we find in You!
This past summer my two boys went on a father-son camp-out. No girls were allowed. I think it became a sort of initiation into manhood for Kyle. He learned how to make a campfire, cook dinner on the barbecue, and set up the tent.
In my opinion, I would not survive a camp-out if I had to set up my own tent.
Unless maybe I had some really good instructions! Even then, I'm sure that I'd experience some problems along the way. With the guidance of Dad, Kyle was successful in his endeavor to successfully set up their man-castle.
If I ever go camping, I'll just take Kyle.
In life, God and His Word are a lot like having the instruction manual, or dad's help, to set up the tent. God and His Word give guidance and direction for a successful life. He has wonderful plans for His children, and all the wisdom we need to see it come to life. When we are faithful to follow His instructions, and listen to His voice, we'll accomplish great things!
Lord, I so love your Word. and the treasures I find there. Thank you for speaking to me when I open it's pages. Your love for your children is so evident. Lord, help my children fall in love with your Word too. May they find your wisdom and leadership, and look to you for direction for their lives. When they don't know what to say or do, may their first response be to seek your help through your Word. When they are fearful, I pray that they open the pages of your Word and find hope and peace. When they worry, may they fix their eyes on you. Lord, you promise that there are plans for our lives that are not for harm, but will allow us to prosper, if we seek you. When we seek you through your Word, we will find you! Give us instructions for life, dear Jesus, and may we live in the confidence we find in You!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Shining Beautiful Confidence
I loved watching my daughter yesterday. She shined in beautiful ways. Not that she isn't beautiful ALL the time, but yesterday I saw a new side of her.
Alyssa was a painfully shy little girl. It once took her great effort to speak to people she didn't know. On the first day of school her kindergarten teacher assured me that it would only take a few days for her to warm up and be willing to talk. Come the last day of school, Mrs. Garner shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile, "Well, Alyssa never would talk to me, but she was an awfully good student and I loved having her in my class." Oh the stories we have of our shy Alyssa.
But yesterday my shy little Alyssa stood in front of our church congregation, and gave the morning's announcements and shared about her upcoming missions trip to Mexico. At first, she seemed a bit off kilter, and nervous, but soon the jitters were gone and I saw a calm confidence come over her, and she blossomed! She added humor, spoke clearly, and just seemed at home with talking in public.
She shined in beautiful ways, and I couldn't have been more proud! God has removed her spirit of timidity and replaced it with His spirit of power.
Oh, how I love watching God at work in my kids lives!
Lord, you are in the business of changing lives, and transforming your children. I'm so thankful that you don't leave us in such pitiful states. You urge us to turn in our spirit of timidity, and live out our lives with your power. You give us all that we need to be successful in life, and in the moments where we dwell in fear, you want to come in and give us the power to overcome and even thrive. We cannot live our life without you, dear Jesus. Fill my children with confidence, belief in themselves, and hope in you, God, knowing that you will give them all that they need to succeed. May they always look to you when they feel inadequate and fearful, and put their full trust in the God who makes all things new. Our confidence grows as we live out our lives according to your plan, and in the knowledge that you will always walk beside us. Lord, may Alyssa and Kyle always shine with a confidence that comes from living with you.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Happy Mail!
Today's verse: "An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." Proverbs 12:25
Yesterday, I received one of the most thoughtful letters that I have ever received. It's amazing how just a few words can bless one's heart in such profound ways.
How often do we let those kind words go unsaid? We get busy and don't take the time, we don't think it's important, or we assume it's too late.
But it's never too late to say..
Thank you.
I love you.
I forgive you.
You blessed me.
As a kid, my parents were good at teaching me the importance of sending a "thank you" card, and at the time I probably him and hawed, but now as an adult I can appreciate these lessons. Now, I'm trying to teach my kids how to do the same. Sometimes they think it's "unneeded", but is anyone ever crabby that they've received a note of thanks, or an encouraging card? I think not. Kind words can sometimes bless one's heart in ways we may not ever understand. So, I pray that my kids become thoughtful like that.
Yesterday's note to me was "unneeded", but a rich, rich blessing. Oh, how I love that kind of mail! At our house, we call it "happy mail". What joy there is when we head out to the mailbox and come back with something other than bills and junk. Is there someone in your life that needs a little bit of happiness today? How about sending some "happy mail"?!
Lord, you are the great encourager, and you bless your children in beautiful way through your Words. What a precious love-letter to your children. Your encouragement and love, is tremendous example to us, to do the same. With the encouragement we receive from you, we should go out an encourage others. Maybe its with a card. Maybe it's just a kind spoken word. Lord, prod our hearts to shower others with thoughtfulness. Kind words bless hearts in ways that we cannot fathom. Lord, teach my children to be kind in all that they say and do. When a "thank you" is needed, may they be prodded to respond. When an "I love you" is on their hearts, may they be confident to share it. Or when forgiveness is the important word of the day, may it flow easily from their lips. Words can build up or tear down those around us. Even our silence can do harm. Lord, teach your children to speak love into other people's lives. Be reflected, dear Jesus, in our encouragement to others. Thank you, Lord, for the encouragement we receive from others in our lives. Help us to be that kind of blessing to others too.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Take the Plunge
Last night, our family watched the movie "Super Size Me". Oh my. I think that we all have a different outlook on McDonald's now.
McDonald's is a favorite among my kids. Probably 10 years ago, it became a Tuesday night tradition to go and get Happy Meals since it is half-off night. At the time we began this ritual, Ken was busy on Tuesday nights with a Bible study group, and so it was a great way for the kids and I to do dinner. Now, I'm thinking it wasn't the greatest of traditions to start. We sure had some good times though.
When Kyle was about 2 years old we had a brand new McDonalds come into town. When deciding which McDonald's we would go to, they kids would either yell "the new McDonald's" or "the old McDonald's." We'd go back and forth, but Kyle's favorite was the new one because it had a huge Play-land to climb in. However, at the age of 2, he'd excitedly rush to the top, and then be too afraid to take one of the slides down, or come back the way he had gone up. There was nothing more frustrating than watching him break down in tears, wanting help down, and the idea that I may have to haul my mom-size body through the kid-size Play-land. I can remember working really hard to convince him to come down, so I wouldn't have to go up.
It was not a pretty sight, but I did climb up into that Play-land a time or two. Kyle's fear was just too great, and stifled his ability to descend. I was sure glad when he grew out of that particular fear.
Fear is good at times and can protect us from things that could potentially cause us harm. However, more often than not, fear keeps us from experiencing good things. Sometimes God has great things planned for our life, yet fear stops us in our tracks, and we miss out on the good, the best, and the extraordinary possibilities of being in His will.
Kyle missed out on the joy of coming down the slide. You could say that he even missed out on the great sense of accomplishment that would have come by conquering the Play-land all by himself. Sure, at two, it's wasn't that big of deal, but it's a good reminder for tomorrow. Because tomorrow God may ask Kyle to follow Him to worlds unknown, and I pray that he's willing to take the plunge.
Lord, you are our strength and our hope. You have wonderful things planned for our life, if we are willing to trust and obey. I pray, Lord, that you help my children to be strong and courageous, no matter what their life holds. I pray that they are careful to obey you; and do not turn from it, so that they may be successful wherever they go. I can't wait to see the plans you have for Alyssa and Kyle, because I know that it will be awesome, as long as they follow your lead. Replace all their fears, with a deep confidence in you and your plan. Lord, I give you praise in advance, for the wonderful places you take my dear children. I love you, Lord, and trust in you fully.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Greatest Gift
Today's verse: "But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy." Titus 3:4-5
God's salvation is a gift.
The best gift in all the world.
We don't deserve it,
and we cannot earn it.
No matter how much we serve.
Or how much we give.
God's salvation is a gift.
He's not counting
how often we are going to church,
how many minutes we've read our Bible,
how many verses we've memorized,
or how many minutes we've prayed.
God's salvation is a gift.
We can't buy our salvation
by how much money we give to the church,
how often we teach Sunday school,
or if we give to the poor.
God's salvation is a gift.
Not given to us for the righteous
things we've done,
but just because of
His great mercy.
mer·cy (mûr

1. Compassionate treatment, especially of those under one's power; clemency.
2. A disposition to be kind and forgiving:God's salvation is a gift.
Oh how He loves you and me!
Lord, you give us the greatest gift of all. Your salvation is available to every person. You give it to us freely when we choose to believe in you. What an amazing thought it is that we can't earn salvation, and that it's not based on what we do or don't do! Lord, your love and care for your people is so evident. Your kindness so huge. Lord, I pray that my children don't feel the pressure of needing to strive to be perfect, in order to be your child. I pray that they don't ever believe that their salvation is based on how much they "do" for the kingdom. The truth is, its a gift, based on your love for your children, and their heart for you. Lord, draw them to yourself, and let them soak in the freedom and rest that comes knowing that their salvation in you is a gift given free and clear. Lord, thank you for loving your children in this beautiful way.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Harder Thing
Alyssa, Kyle and Zoe--2005
Today's verse: "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15
Alyssa wrote this poem the other day, and it caused her to giggle for quite some time. I don't know what happened in her day to cause her to lament on the relationships in her life, and one's need to forgive, but I thought that though it is silly, her poem holds some truth. She even suggested I could use it in my blog...so here it is.
Forgiveness is hard.
Revenge and anger are easy.
If your mean you're a retard.
And this rhyme is getting cheesy.
Forgiveness IS hard, but it's always the better choice.
I liked how "The Message" rewrote the above passage of Scripture...
"In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part" Matthew 6:14-15
Forgiveness IS hard, but it reaps many benefits, that far outweigh revenge and anger.
Forgiving others frees God to forgive us.
Forgiving others frees our heart from the bondage of bitterness.
Forgiving others frees us to be open to God's blessing.
Forgiving others frees us to mature in our faith.
Forgiveness IS hard, but we are commanded to choose this harder way.
Dear Alyssa and Kyle...
Forgive your parents for not always being the best parents.
Forgive one another...every day for every thing.
Forgive your friends when they hurt your feelings.
Forgive your enemies, and let go of their hurt.
Always forgive.
Lord, thank you for being a God who always forgives. You are a beautiful example of how we, as your children, should forgive. Daily we experience things in our lives that require forgiveness. Daily we have to choose whether to hold on to the anger and resentment, or release those hurts to you. Lord, help me, and my children, be slow to anger and quick to forgive. When it is hard, be our strength and infuse us with your power in order that we may choose to do the harder thing. Lord, mend the hurts in our hearts that others leave behind. Use the balm of your Spirit to soothe the sting of harsh words, hurtful actions, and lost relationships. Lord, help us to forgive others, so in turn we can experience your faithful forgiveness to us. Forgiveness will always be the hard choice, but you promise beautiful things to happen in our hearts, minds and souls because we seek after this better way. Lord, help us to forgive others, as you forgive us. Amen and amen.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Walking with Friends
I'm thankful today for those who walk alongside me in my journey as wife, mother, and follower of Christ. There are so many who encourage me, teach me, and stretch me to be better all areas of my life.
I pray that my children find lifelong friends who bring them great delight and joy, and push them to grow in their faith. Friends who speak God's truth into their lives, always show grace and forgiveness, and spur them on towards good deeds. Partners on our journey of faith is one of the greatest treasures of life.
We can live this life on our own, but it's so much sweeter walking it with friends.
Lord, I love your presence in my life. With you I find great encouragement, hope, strength, and joy. You are my God, and I love you. Thank you for blessing me with friends who walk beside me on this journey, and help me strive to be a better wife, mother, and child of God. My heart is full of gratitude. Fill my children's lives with friends who will do the same for them; friends who will encourage them to draw closer to you, who will speak truth in love, and be with them through the thick and thin. Lord, you give us special people who enrich our lives in beautiful ways. Thank you for such a sweet gift.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Stand Firm in Holiness
Today's verse: "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." 2 Corinthians 7:1
Last summer we had the joy of going to Playa del Carmen, Mexico for a once in a lifetime exotic vacation. We loved every moment. Staying at an all-inclusive resort had its benefits. On top of the list was the decadent, all you can eat, food. There is no way to stick to a diet around there. Oh, so wonderful!
Even beyond that, we loved the poolside service, that provided some delicious tropical drinks, as we sat around the pool. We called Kyle the "Pina Colada King", after having downed 7 virgin pina coladas in one day. The waiters even knew what he wanted before he opened his mouth.
We were kind of a novelty at this resort because we chose not to partake of any of the alcoholic drinks. We were always offered, sometimes teased, but we always politely said "no". There were people there that had a drink in their hands at all times. Morning, noon, and night alcohol was being consumed all around us.
But we stuck to our virgin pina coladas, strawberry daiquirÃs , and diet cokes. In some ways it looked like we were having way more fun.
Throughout our children's lives they will be faced with opportunities to drink alcohol, or take drugs, and I am praying that they will choose again to be the "novelty". These things have the potential to make big messes out of their lives. They may be faced with peer pressure, or feeling different, but to keep themselves from these things may be one of the best decisions they will ever make.
Next to accepting Christ as their Savior...AND always loving their mom, anyway!
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