Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dancing on their Face

 Alyssa, Kyle and Mom --1999

Today's verse: "The life of the godly is full of light and joy, but the light of the wicked will be snuffed out."  Proverbs 13:9

You know, when you can't find a good campfire, a candle is a pretty good substitute to roast marshmallows.  Just ask my kids.  We've roasted many a marshmallow by candlelight.  Of course, you miss the smell of the campfire, and the charcoal flavor that mingles with the sugary mess. 

I love to watch my children as they sit around the campfire.  I become mesmerized by the reflection of light dancing on their faces.  It just makes them glow.  At the same time, there's something about a campfire that brings great delight and joy to those sitting around it's edges.  Somehow, its infectious.

I think God's children reflect the beauty of His light in their lives, especially when they spend precious time in His presence.  His light shines in their compassion towards others, or in their acts of service or random acts of kindness.  His light shines through their words of encouragement, and in their attitudes about life.  He can be seen in beautiful ways.  God is infectious.

I love seeing God shine brightly in others.  I'm guessing that those who don't know Him in a personal way, are also attracted to the light and joy on the faces of God's children. They can't help but wonder about the peace that exudes from our lives, and want to know how they can have it too.  We can shine Jesus to the world around us.

I pray that the reflection of Christ's light lives in my children's lives, and that it dances on their faces in beautiful ways.

Lord, you are the light of the world, and you will not be hidden.  Whoever follows you will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.  Oh, Lord, dispel the darkness of this world.  Fill every corner of my children's hearts and minds with your light.  Shine in their faces, and help them reflect you to the world around them that is living in darkness.  May the joy they have because of your presence in their lives, overflow in their relationships, in their ministries, and in every aspect of their lives.  Lord, I pray that I will always see you dancing in their faces.

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